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"Oh, darling...You'll be shocked when I tell you." 



I can't help but chuckle at her curiousness. 

The way she looks at me says enough about what she thinks of me, frankly, I could care less. She was slowly becoming mine, and she will become mine.

"T-Tell me what?" She asks, tilting her head and squinting her green eyes.

She moves slightly away from me, crossing her legs in a basket and moving her head to an angle. 

"What your dear Draco really and truly left for." I rummage through my pocket to find a loose cigarette somewhere.

"He just needs some time in the Manor, that's all, Gardian." She scoffs, folding her arms and examining what I'm doing.

I pull a cigarette from my pocket and light it, bringing it up to my mouth. Her pair of emeralds don't leave my movements and question is written all across her face. "I'd offer, but what would an angel like you, do with a cigarette, like mine?" 

"I don't want your filthy cigarette. Get to your point, Gardian. I'm getting sick of you already." She turns her head and squints her eyes due to the strong amount of sun unfolding before her eyes. 

"Who could ever get sick of the Gardian King?" I raise my head and release the puff of air built up in my chest.

"Me, that's who." She mutters under her breath. "That is beside the point. You said Draco...Isn't going to spend more time at the Manor?" She questions.

I hum, twiddling my cigarette in between my fingers. 

"Here, I will give you some sort of...Example." 

I lift her hand from the palm of her fingertips. She tries to pull away, but she wasn't going anywhere with my grasp.

"What are you doing? Let go of my hand! Is this some sort of joke?!" Her eyes widen as she tries to pull her fair hand out of my clasp, however...I had to clear my example.

"Adelaide, love, notice the struggle you're going through to pull your elegant like hand out of my hold. It's not working, is it?"


"Just like that...Draco is trying to distance himself, from you, Adelaide." I ease my grip on her hand, and in an instant, she pulls away and brings her hand to her chest. 

"You're lying! He has no reason to...Why should I believe a word you're saying?!" She exclaims.

I scoff, finishing off what is left of the cigarette. "Because I know what your hero of a boyfriend is up to, especially what he's doing at the moment." 

"Shut up. Just shut up." She exclaims. 

"I'm telling you now, and now only, Gardian. Stay away from me. I don't want anything to do with you."

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