Turn Off Your Eyes, Fontaine

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A/N: Before I forget, I had to adjust Finn's story in chapter 42, because Pete was supposed to come along when Finn was FIVE, not two. Must've been a typo. (This is important.)


The Nektons regrouped to plan their exploration. Kaiko reasoned that if they stayed in the Rover, they'd be safe from whatever was in the Blue Hole. Nereus joined them in case they found another rune. And to be mysterious, Fontaine thought.

Fontaine wondered what they would find. It was strange enough to find a new Blue Hole, but this Blue Hole was just creepy. Strange, human-ish shapes moving too quickly to follow, the other Ant, Lemurian symbols, and the fact that the Blue Hole was mentioned in the Chronicle only put Fontaine more on edge.

Could there be mermaids? Could Lemurians have been mermaids? Were they about to discover a key to finding Lost Lemuria?

"Okay," Fontaine said slowly. "I might have been somewhat wrong about the divers..."

"Ha!" Ant exclaimed triumphantly.

"But you have to admit you might just be seeing things!"

"Dad saw it, too!" Ant said.

"I don't know what we saw," Will said. "I didn't get a good look at it... er, him."

"He swam right up to me!" Ant insisted. "He looked exactly like me!" He tilted his head to the side. "I never knew I was that good looking. I mean, I suspected..."

Fontaine shook her head. "You're deluded."

Ant huffed, then spotted something outside. "Jeffrey!"

Fontaine leaned to the side. She was a bit surprised to see Jeffrey actually in front of the Rover. Especially the fifty or so look-a-likes right behind him!

"Looks like he made some friends," Kaiko said with a laugh as Jeffrey and the other Bicolors swam around the Rover.

Fontaine eyed the other Bicolors. "Is it just me, or are his friends..." She trailed off as Jeffrey made a swirling motion with his fins, and all the others mimicked him in sync.

"Really friendly?" Ant supplied.

"I was going to go with creepy," Fontaine said.

"Well, they certainly like him," Will laughed. "They won't leave him alone!"

Fontaine watched the school of Bicolors swim over the top of the Rover. Apparently, she was the only one who found them odd. Then again, that was normal.

"Ah, look there!" Ant exclaimed, pointing. "Mum, go!"

Fontaine leaned past Kaiko's shoulder and spotted a small diver. When Kaiko moved the Rover closer, the diver swam deeper before stopping and turning to the Rover. As the Rover stopped near the diver, Fontaine finally got a good look at them.

It was... Ant?

"No, what-" Fontaine looked at Ant sitting beside her, then the Ant in the water. "How?"

"Told ya," Ant said smugly.

The other Ant treaded water for a minute, just staring at the Rover. He did, admittedly, look exactly like Ant. His face, the outfit, even the studious expression on his face was the same!

Then, as suddenly as he'd come, he dove.

"Hey, come back!" Ant protested.

The other Ant kept going.

"Hold on!" Kaiko said, throwing the Rover into a steep dive after the other Ant.

The other Ant vanished into one of the deeper tunnels. Kaiko didn't hesitate to race after him, though the other Ant moved way too fast for any human!

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