The Test: Intruder Alert!

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Blaring alarms startled Finn so badly he fell right off his chair. He scrambled to stand, eyes darting around the space as he tried to figure out the cause for the alarm.

He'd never heard an alarm in the two weeks since he'd been on board. He hoped he hadn't been discovered, but he hadn't left the generator room in the last four days.

When the alarm continued for another minute, Finn relaxed. The alarm didn't seem to be about him, so he'd just have to wait until Fontaine returned. Unless...

Finn turned to the duct that led deeper into the Aronnax. While explorations of the Aronnax by way of the halls were rare -Finn was still cautious about being caught- he and Fontaine made use of the ducts on a regular basis. He had a pretty good mental map of the ductwork.

Before he could make a move toward the ducts, Fontaine tumbled out. She landed on her feet with practiced ease, then straightened. Her eyes were wide and worried.

"Is something wrong?" Finn asked.

"Somebody stole the Chronicle," Fontaine said.

"The what?"

"There's an intruder on the Aronnax," Fontaine explained. "Come on, I need help checking the ducts. You check the stern area, I'll take the bow."

Finn nodded and followed her into the ducts.


Nearly twenty minutes later, Finn was panting from crawling through the ducts. He'd thought he knew every part of the ducts, but he'd discovered a lot of new crannies he'd never found. All of them were empty, though, so Finn back-tracked toward the generator room.

"Finn!" Fontaine's voice hissed at him when he'd nearly reached his hideout.

Finn twisted to glance behind him. Fontaine smiled at him and gestured for him to continue. Finn crawled to the end of the duct and tumbled to the floor. He stood, while Fontaine poked her head into the room.

"Ant found the intruder in the docking bay," Fontaine explained. She grabbed something held under her arm, and held it out. "I've got to go, but you can watch from the cameras in Dad's study."

Finn took the offered tablet and turned it on. He raised an eyebrow upon seeing the princess-y game and book apps over a pink, unicorn-patterned background.

Fontaine blushed a bit. "It's an old one of mine, but it's still connected to the Aronnax systems." She twisted away and squirmed out of sight before Finn could tease her.

Chuckling, Finn scrolled through the apps until he found an app labeled, "Boring stuff." Inside was access to Aronnax security cameras and notes from missions.

As Finn opened the cameras, a thought suddenly hit him. Fontaine trusted him. Not once had she accused him of stealing the Chronicle, not even acting suspicious. She had given him access to the Aronnax cameras. Other things, most likely, if he poked around the tablet more.


Finally deciding he'd have to ask her later, Finn opened the camera footage.

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