Is This Your Ride?

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"What was that?"

Finn looked away from his book, his innocent expression not fooling Fontaine in the slightest. "What was what?"

"Jeffrey mysteriously appeared in a tub of water on the floor."

Finn shrugged. "Maybe the Aronnax is actually haunted."

Fontaine snorted. "Sure it is."

"What did the Aronnax hit?" Finn asked, changing the subject.

"Mum rear-ended an underwater mountain."

Finn blinked. "Uh... how?"

"She was avoiding a ghost submarine."

"A ghost sub?" Finn repeated skeptically.

"Yep." Fontaine grinned. "Was that your ride, ghost boy?"

Finn chucked a pillow at her. Fontaine caught it with a laugh.

"Seriously, what was it?" Finn asked.

"We're not sure," Fontaine said. "It looked like a sub, but it glowed green, didn't show up on any instruments, and vanished without a trace."

"That... does sound like a ghost submarine," Finn admitted.

"Don't tell me that you believe in ghosts!"

"Hey, I've seen some odd things on the Dark Orca. I know something was glowing when Pete and I...." Finn trailed off, grin fading.

Fontaine blinked. "Pete?"

Finn cleared his throat. "Anyway, I've seen odd things. Ghosts wouldn't be the strangest."

"While I have to agree with seeing strange things," Fontaine said, mentally filing "Pete" away for later, "I refuse to believe that ghosts exist."

"Bold words for someone hiding the resident ghost," Finn said, then ducked when Fontaine threw the pillow at him.


A/N: Pete will be the only major OC in this story.

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