Nereus' Warning

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Will wished his hands would stop shaking. It was late and had been a long day. He wanted to sleep, but how could he, with Nereus' ominous prediction for his cursed daughter?

Will paced around his study table again, mind racing. He just couldn't understand how a curse could kill Fontaine, yet Fontaine didn't care. Or perhaps she was just good at hiding it. He ached to protect his daughter, but how could he protect against a curse?

"William, pacing won't do anything for Fontaine."

Will ignored the old man as he made another lap of his desk. Nereus sighed heavily and walked forward so he blocked Will.

"William, I mean it."

"What do you want me to do?" Will asked sharply.

"Listen," Nereus said simply.

Will eyed him. "Listen to what?"

"Listen to Fontaine," Nereus said. "The curse cannot harm her without her allowing it."

Will blinked. "I don't understand."

"Niko perished because he forced something he knew would fail," Nereus said. "The curse will push Fontaine to do what she needs to keep herself safe."

"What if the curse really is to the Atlantean's advantage?" Will challenged. "You said yourself that almost nothing is known about the curse. How do you know the curse won't force Fontaine into something that hurts her?"

"I just know."

Will shook his head and nearly asked how, but Nereus' face gave him pause. Nereus wasn't looking at him, but through him. A distant, sad smile flickered on his lips.

"Have you seen this before?" Will asked.

Nereus seemed to startle back to the present. "No, of course I haven't. But trust me when I say to listen to Fontaine. Listen, William, and Fontaine will tell you what she needs."

"And if she 'needs' something I think will harm her?" Will asked.

Nereus shook his head. "I told you all I know. Niko knew he needed to stay with the Atlantean, but forced himself to stay away for the sake of family. Look where that got him." Nereus locked eyes with Will. "Don't make the same mistake Niko's family did."

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