Truth or Dare ❤️💚

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Ship: Henriam and a little bit of Drake

Contains lemons :/ 🍋

I was having a sleep over at Drew's house, with Jake and Liam. I know we are a little old for sleepovers, but it's my birthday and I kinda wanted to have one again. I choose Drew's house, because his parents are loading and he has an amazing house. We just finished playing on his new Lunime console, and I kinda wanted to play Truth or Dare.

"Henry, we already our having a sleepover, now you want us to play Truth or Dare? What are we? 12?"

Liam laughs

"I know- but, I dunno, I feel like it could be a lot of fun! I won't tell anyone I swear!"

Drew looks uneasy, but finally gives in

"Ok~ Fine."

We all go into his room

"It's my birthday! So I'll start, ummm, Jake! Truth or Dare?"
"Umm Dare!"
I think real hard. 'This is gotta be a real good one!' I think


I laugh

Jake says flustered


Drew says who is super red

"Oh relax- I won't tell anyone, and if you chicken out, then I will tell everyone!"

I say with an evil smile

"I am so getting you back for this"
Drew grumbles. He puts his hands on Jake's cheeks and smashes their lips together. I cover my eyes, but I can hear the sound of their tongues twisting together. (What the fuck did I just write) Liam is taking photos. The kiss lasts for 12 more seconds then they pull away panting

"Oh my god- what did I just witness"

Drew is red, Jake looks like he might faint

"You guys looked like you were having fun!"

I laughed

"You covered your eyes!"
Liam said punching me. Drew looked at Jake and gave him a face, pay back time

"Alright~! It's my turn"
Jake said with an evil face

"Liam! I dare you, to do the same thing me and Drew just did, with Henry, AND Sleep with him tonight!"

My mouth dropped. 'Oh shit-' I looked at Liam. He looked at me

"DO IT!"
Drew laughed

I took a deep breath, then moved closer to Liam, I closed my eyes then grabbed his face and kissed him. Our lips moved together, then I opened my mouth, Liam did the same, and well- we did the same thing Jake and Drew did- (OH MY GOD I CAN'T WRITE THIS STUFF)

Our kiss lasted longer then Drew and Jakes, and I loved it. Liam was so hot, his lips were so soft, damn he even tasted good. (REEEEE) I pulled away after our 1 minute and 40 second kiss. I turned pink and stare at him. Drew and Jake were dying laughing.

Drew took out his phone and showed us pictures of us making out. It looked like we were fighting for a piece of food. I blushed

"A-alright its Liam's turn"

I blushed. He smiled

"Henry, I dare you to..."
He thinks

"Go out on a date with me tomorrow and kiss me again"

Drew and Jake make that annoying "OOOOOOoooOOOoooO" sound. I blush- the truth is, I had never thought about Liam that way- that is until I kissed him. Now all I wanted was him.


I say as he pulls me in for another kiss. It was pretty much like our last kiss, but a bit longer. We pull away

"You guys are so gay!"
Jake says laughing. We turn red

"When's the wedding??"
Drew says snickering

I yell at them

Liam smiles at me and I blush, damn I want to kiss him again and again, and again, and again-

"Hey lettuce brain! It's your turn!"

Drew waves his hand in front of me

"O-oh yeah! Sorry- I was just, thinking"

"About what? Liam"

Jake giggles. I get so angry

I scream. Drew and Jake frown

"You're no fun!"
Drew wines

That night

We get into our pajamas and get into bed. Since Drew dared Liam to sleep with me, we get the king size bed! With heated mattresses, that recline, and have vibration! This is probably the most comfortable bed I will ever sleep in. I climb in with Liam. I can't help but snuggle close to him, 'So~ Warm~' I smile.


Liam smiles at me

"Just hold me and cuddle me"
I whisper. Liam obeys. 'Why does this feel so right? Me in his arms, I wish I could stay like this forever!' Liam looks down and kisses me. I turn red

He chuckles

"Hey Henry. D-do you like me?"
He ask. I pause and look at him

"M-maybe... do you?"

I ask unsure, he smiles at me

"Oh no I don't like you"

My heart breaks. I feel so hurt, a tear falls down my cheek

"O-oh that's fine"

I sniffle

"I love you"

I look up at him

"Henry Ryans I love you"
He says squeezing me and kissing my top lip

"I-i, I love you too!"

I kiss him back and we both drift to sleep.

(OH MY GOD THAT WAS HARD TO WRITE! All of my one shots have been so sweet! So I thought now is the perfect time to bring in the dirty stuff. HAHAHAH. Umm hope you enjoyed that? The truth is- it's hard for me to write lemons and smut- I can read it! Hell I've read a LOT of it (Not that I'm looking for it most of the time- I just find it) But I always feel so cringy writing it. But like a person commented on a fan fic I read, "No one is innocent on Wattpad" Which is true.)

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