Michael and Shannon

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Michael's POV

It has been a month since Amy died. I haven't been the same, waking up thinking she's still her then being painfully reminded she's gone. I don't think I've ever cried so much in my entire life. But I'm not the only one struggling. Once my wife died Hailey has been different. She used to be such a happy little girl, but now she's sad all the time and more serious. Things have changed and I don't think I'll ever find love again.

1 week later

Shannon's POV

"Julie I need you to watch Zander for a little bit longer, I left my wallet at work!"

I called out to the babysitter.

"Okay Shannon!"

I close the front door and jump into my car. I ran over to the office to retrieve my wallet. After a 10 minute drive I arrive at my work place. I was searching my office when a man walked by.

"Umm, what are you doing?"

He asks

"Oh sorry I'm looking for my wallet. I think I left it in here but I just need to find it"

"Well, I was on my home but let me help you"

He says and then starts to lift up papers on my desk.

I smile it's been a while since someone has offered to do something nice. Let alone a man

"Thank you. I'm Shannon Wickham by the way"

I offer him my hand to shake. He smiles and accepts it

"Michael! Michael Austin"

After we introduce ourself we continue to search for my wallet. We chat while doing so and I discover Michael and I have a lot in common.

No one's POV

"Found it!" Shannon yells holding her wallet up, out of its hiding spot

"Yay!" Michael cheers

"Thank you so much for helping me, you really didn't need to" 

"It's no problem, and hey! Now I got to meet one of my coworkers" Michael says giving Shannon a thumbs up. Shannon giggles

"Yes, I guess you have a valid point. Well I better get home, can't keep the babysitter too long"

"Tell me about it. But um hey Shannon, wanna go get lunch some time? Or maybe a coffee?" Michael asks

"Oh! Sure! That sounds like fun"

"Great! Well see you tomorrow Shannon!" Michael waves as he leaves

Time skip Shannons POV

It is the third week of Michael and I going out. After our first outing we kept doing them and at one point Michele asked me if I wanted to be his girlfriend. I was hesitant at first, but I do really like Michael. He's supper nice and funny. He plays music, like me! And he has the most wonderful daughter. So after some consideration I said yes. I think I may be falling in love with him. Right now I'm watching a movie at his house while our kids are sleeping (They've become good friends). I snuggle closer to Michael and sigh happily. It's been a while since I've been this happy or relaxed. I notice that Michael smiles

"Shannon?" He asks

"Yes Michael?"

"I think, I may be falling in love with you" He says quietly

"Me too Michael" I look up at him

He smiles and kisses me softly

"I never thought I'd find someone who makes me happy after Amy died" He admits

"I know how you feel. I never thought I would date again after Richard left me" I say as I try not to remember those horrid times

"Well, thank you for letting me be apart of your life" He says, and soon I fall asleep

No Ones POV and Time Skip (Because I'm lazy af)

The couple has now been dating for about 5 months. They normally go on dates on the weekends, and sometimes on Wednesdays. Zander and Hailey really get along and act just like siblings. Michael and Shannon are obviously in love.

Right now it's a Saturday and Shannon and Michael are sitting on a park bench chatting.

Shannon's POV

"Hahaha well Hailey does seem like the type of person to do that!" I giggle

"Hehe, yea..." Michael starts to trail off. He just looks away and seems to be a little nervous

"Michael? Are you alright?" I ask touching his hand to try to comfort him. He looks up at me and smiles

"Yes Shannon, I'm perfectly fine" He says. I smile

"Umm, Shannon we've been dating for a while now and ummm" Now he really looks nervous. And I start to realize why. My eyes widen as he gets down on one knee

"Shannon Wickham, will you do the honor of making me the happiest man in the world and marry me?" 

My eyes fill up with tears and I jump into his arms and scream


He catches me and we stay in the embrace for a moment. Then I push away and kiss him sweetly. As I pull away he takes my hand and slides the beautiful engagement ring onto my finger. I smile as I stare at it for a little. I've never been this happy in a long time. And I'm excited to share my life with Michael.

(The end. Hello there! Sorry for the short one shot. I've been busy. But umm guess what I'm watching? My Hero Academia!! I'm currently on season three!!! After finishing Sk8 the Infinity, I decided my next anime to bindge would be MHA. It's REALLY GOOD, I totally get the hype. But umm anyway I will try to write something soon! Not gonna make you guys wait until the 7th episode comes out for another one-shot. Hopefully. Welp it's getting late and I'm tired, bye!)

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