Flower Pot 💗🌸

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Ship: Milliot

(They're in 8th grade/7th grade btw)

I walked down the hall with my head low, not wanted to draw a lot of attention to myself, when I hear yelling.


A crowd of students were swarming around something. I walked up to see what all the yelling was about.


A pink haired girl had another up against a locker. She had blonde hair, with light green eyes. The pink haired had just given her a black eye. Students were whispering, talking pictures, hell even laughing


Yelled a teacher. The pink haired, who I assumed was named Millicent, backed away. She looked angry but was taking deep breaths. The blonde ran into the arms of a boy, crying. He pecked her cheek holding her close

"What is the meaning of this?"

The teacher asked Millicent. She looked like she was about to cry

"S-she and her horrible boyfriend were bulling me and my friends. T-they broke Hailey's guitar a-and"

She broke down into tears. I felt really sorry for her. I ran up to her and gave her a hug

"I'm so sorry"
I whispered in her ear. She was truly shocked of what I just did


She hugged me back. The teacher rolled her eyes

"Ok enough of the love fest! Millicent you're coming with me to the principals office"

Millicent nodded

"I'm Milly by the way"

She said before leaving with the teacher


I yelled

A week later

I was in the garden tending to some flowers. I really enjoy gardening, it calms me, just me and the plants. I was about to leave when I saw Milly, she was listening to music

"Hey Milly!"

I called running up to her. Pink tinted her cheeks as she took off her headphones

"Oh! Elliot, I-i didn't see you there"

She laughed. 'She's acting funny?' I thought

"Yeah, well I was just finishing up my gardening"

"Oh! You like gardening?"

She asked

"Yeah! Do you?"

She blushed

"O-oh not really... I-i'm more into music"

She didn't make eye contact

"Do you play an instrument?"

I asked. She perked up

"Yeah! I play the electric guitar, I'm in the music club with my best friends, Hailey, Zander, and Luke!"

I nodded

"That's so cool!"

I said giving her my goofy smile. She blushed


We stood there awkwardly for a few seconds, when an aqua girl approached Milly

"Hey Milly, Luke and Zander left without me, wanna walk home together? Oh! Who's this?"

She asked

"Oh! Hailey, this is Elliot. Elliot this is Hailey"

Hailey looked me up and down

"Ooooh, so this is Elliot"

She smirked. Milly turned bright pink

"He's cute Milly"

Milly covered her face, a blushing mess. I could feel my own face heat up

"HAILEY!! W-well bye Elliot, see you later"
She grabbed Hailey's hand and they ran away. I stood there flabbergasted 'What just happened??'

A year later

( wanna skip to when Luke, Zander, and Hailey go to High School and Milly is all alone in Middle School)

Today is the first day of 8th grade. Milly's friends are all in High School now, so she is all alone. I am now hanging out with her, I mean I don't have any friends either, and she's always nice to me. It's break and I find Milly at her locker

"Hey, Milly!"

She screams and quickly hides something

"Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you!"
I really hope she isn't mad

"Elliot!! No need to apologise, I-I ummm, just- am- you see"

She was blushing a little and jumbling with her words, oh I really hope she isn't mad!

"Well- the truth is, I have something for you a-and I didn't want you to see it yet"

She slowly pulled out a little pot, with a tiny sprout in it

"Well, I know you have a garden, and that you love gardening, and well I tried to plant this flower for you-"

She was speaking very softly

"You probably don't even like it- it's not even a flower yet, it's stupid y-you don't have to take it-"

I grab the pot

"No! I-I love it! You did a very fine job for not knowing that much about gardening, and I really appreciate it! You're so kind to me Milly, you give me so much, gosh I don't even have anything for you"

I felt a tear fall down my check, because I was so happy. Milly was beaming

"Well I'm glad, cause the truth is- I really like you Elliot"

I started at her

"You, like me?"

She closed her eyes and blushed

"Yes, Elliot. I do, I really do! You've always been so kind to me, you are really honest, and you're really cute!"

She covers her face. I blush

"D-do you wanna go to the movies after school?"

She asked. I thought for a few seconds

"Y-yeah, I would really like that"

She looks up at me


I nod and kiss her check. She turns as red as a tomato

"See you!"

I run to my next class. 'I'm going on a date!! And not just with anyone, with the, coolest, bravest, prettiest, girl in school!' I blush just thinking about it.

(Hi! I'm back! Has it been like a month?? Well today is Valentine's Day, so of course I had to write a one shot. Speaking of Valentines Day, hope y'all are having a great one!!! I'm not- no one loves me romantically- just sitting in my bed all day today watching anime and eating peanut butter crackers- plus my family's stuck in a state because of a blizzard)

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