Otaku Movie Night 💚❤️🎬

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Ship: Henriam 

Ship requested by Henriam_Simp

Henry signed as he clutched the two movie tickets in his hands. He practiced the words he was going to say, 'Hey Liam! So... y'know about the new MHA movie that came out! Well I was wondering if you wanted to come see it with me?! I really want to see it with someone. Totally not a date though! Just two friends- going to see a movie! Totally normal...' Henry groaned and facepalmed. That sounded stupid, even to him. He stared at the tickets. "C'mon! How hard is it to ask your friend to the movies?!"

But in all honesty Henry liked Liam a whole lot more than a friend. He actually was harboring a pretty big crush on his friend. And maybe, just maybe, this movie was an excuse to go on "a date" with his friend.

'Get a grip on yourself Henry! You can do this!!' He thought to himself. All of a suden Jake walked up to him, "Hey Henry! Watcha got there??" Henry yelped not expecting his friend to come up to him. "Ohhh nothing, just two tickets to the new MHA movie, World Hero's Mission." "Oh yea! I saw that with my little brother this weekend! It was really great. So who's the other ticket for?"

Henry sighed he actually had confessed about his crush on Liam to Jake a while back "Um... well, actually I was planning to ask Liam if he wanted to come with me." Jake hummed understanding. "Ahh I see" Henry nodded "Yea" The boys sat in silence until a certain someone came up to them

"Hey guys! What's got you mopping around about over here?" Henry squeaked and hid the tickets with a blush on his face, Jake smiled "Well speak of the devil! Liam, Henry has something to ask you" Jake nudged Henry and Liam looked at him expectantly. "U-um well... you see Liam. I-I'm seeing the new MHA movie this Friday, and I was wondering if you wanted to come see it with me?" He held the tickets out for Liam to see. Liam's eyes widened and a blush bloomed on his face as he started to laugh

Henry was horrified 'OH SHIT!! HE'S LAUGHING AT ME!! GAHH HE THINKS I'M WEIRD! I KNEW THIS WOULD HAPPE-' "Henry I'm sorry!" Liam giggled "I-i don't mean to laugh- but I just- oh god" tears were prickling at the corner of his eyes. Henry covered the horrified flustered look on his face and Jake just started at them. "I.. actually was going to ask you the same thing" Liam said with a small grin on his face. He pulled two crumpled tickets out of his pocket. Henry gasped as he inspected them. They were indeed for My Hero Academia, World Hero's Mission. He was shocked

Henry also laughed. "Wow how crazy!" He snorted and giggled. Liam sighed and looked at him with a loving expression on his face. "I'm gonna go"Jake whispered into Henry's ear, and slipped away. All of a sudden Liam grabbed Henry's hands. "Henry.. you see... the truth is. I really like you Henry. And not as a friend." Henry gasped. "I feel the same way Liam!" Liam smiled "That's good. So, Henry.. will you go out with me?" Henry answered him by kissing him on the lips.

That Friday the boys went out on their first date and watched the movie. Liam ended up giving the extra tickets to his older sister. After the movie the otakus walked out hand and hand smiling.

Hello! This ship was requested by Henriam_Simp hope you enjoyed it! Also sorry if you guys are annoyed that I write so much Henriam stuff centered around MHA. (Also I know this movie came out MONTHS ago I saw it with my brother in theaters so shush) Henriam is and always has been my favorite ship :) So loved writing this. Also guess who's out of school! ME! So happy, hated that hell. Also I'm taking a trip with my dad to Japan next month so super excited!! If you want to request a ship feel free! But just know I'm going to be SUPER busy this summer. Gonna start working and  traveling so yea. Anyway! Have a good Summer!!

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