After the Competition (part 1) ❤️💙

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Ship: Jailey and I tiny bit of Lander

Flash Back

"You're in love with Daisy?"

Sean looked sad

"I-i wouldn't say in love! .....But, I have liked her for a really long time-"

Jake scratched his head and gazed away, fantasying Daisy

End of Flash Back

Why does it hurt so much, hearing him talk about Daisy? I act like I don't care or like him- but, I really do


My step brother waved his hands in front of my face

"Hello?? Earth to Hailey!"

I snap back


"Hello? What do you want from Peach Park?"

I shake my head

"Umm, strawberry yogurt"

I completely zoned out there

"Are you ok? What was going on?"

"S-sorry, I was just, thinking-"

"About what?"
I blush


Zander laughs

"Let me guess, Jake?"
I turn bright red and turn away, Zander laughs

"You're such a simp!!"

I glare at him

"So are you! Alexander Peterson-Wickham!!!"

He blushes

"Hailey Sterling!!"

I blush as well. Siblings? Am I right

"Ok fine, I'll stop!"
I say grabbing my frozen yogurt

Monday in Music Room

"Ok guys, the competition is in 2 weeks! We really need to practice today, and- Where's Jake?"

Everyone shrugs

"Gah! JAKE!"

I scream. Right then Jake runs in

"Sorry!! Sorry, I am super sorry- I was u-um writing a song"

Everyone gave him a weird look

"Oh shit- another love confection? Ok Jake who's your crush? It better not be me!"

Milly starts going on

"W-what?! No! It's, well ummm, A song I was hoping we could play at the competition-"

"WHAT!? Jake Sterling! The competition is in 2 weeks! No way-"

"Please Hailey, this is really important to me, I believe we can do it"

He grabs my hands and looks me in the eyes. I blush

"Well, I give you one week to teach us and we can try it, but if we are not ready by the end of the week we will not do this"

I give him the challenge. He gets super excited

"Oh thank you Hailey!!! You have no idea how much this means to me!"
He hugs me

"Ok! Here is the song"
He gives me a sheet of paper. He hands out one to everyone. I look it over, it's a love song

"Who's this song about Jake?"

Sean asks looking over the music

"When did I say it was about someone?"
Jake said looking nervous

"Oh come on Jake, we know this is about Daisy"
Milly says rolling her eyes. Jake blushed. I tried not to look sad.

"Well if you want to even have a chance to play this we better get started"

The end of the week

I have to admit, Jake surprised me! He was able to write a beautiful song, teach us the song, and have us sounding great in just a week. He's just so amazing, too bad this song is for Daisy and he is going to ask her out, they will become a couple, and I will alone for the rest of my life. Unlike my lucky brother who already has a boyfriend and I am pretty sure they are going to be with each other for the rest of their wonderful lives. I feel a tear fall down my cheek.

"Hailey? What's the matter?"

Jake came up to me


I say wiping away the tear

"Are you sure? It looked like you where crying?"

He still is nagging me

"Hey Jake I have good news"

I say trying to change the subject

"I admit, you surprised me! I never would of thought that you would of taught us all the song, make us sound good, and produce an amazing piece of music in just under a week. I am proud to say that we are going to play your song at the competition"

I give him a small hug. I am very proud of Jake.

"Are you serious?! Thank you so much Hailey!! I don't know what to say!!"

He is super excited

"I can't thank you enough Hailey!!"

He kisses me on the cheek. My eyes widen as I turn crimson red. Jake realizing what he had just done turns bright pink.

"HAILEY! I-i didn't mean to do that! I was just super excited, and got carried away"

He jumbles with his words. I try to laugh it off

"Hehehe, It's fine Jake, I know you probably were just super happy. I've been there! Just don't tell Zander"
I giggle. Jake chuckles

"Ooooh I wasn't planning to"

He laughs

"W-well I better go, bye Hailey! See you Monday!"

He waves as we starts home

"Yeah- see you Monday"
I say. I look down at my hands- 'Did Jake Sterling just kiss me???!!' I blush, 'OH MY GOD HE KISSED ME'

I look up, It's Luke

"Have you seen Zander? I am supposed to take him to the movies and- hey why are you blushing?"

Luke notices me blushing. 'Should I tell him?? I think I should! It's fine- he won't tell Zander'

"W-well.... umm..... Jake just- kissed me on the cheek"

I rush closing my eyes

"Oh my god! Really? Why??"

Luke is very confused

"W-well, he was able to teach us the song and make us sound good, so we're going to play it at the competition. I told him and he got super excited and well... kissed me on the cheek!"

I say trying to process it all. Luke smiles

"Good for you Hailey, I'm glad you are opening up to Jake, and may possibly even be his girlfriend!"
I blush at the thought

"Oh! Don't tell Zander, he'll get.. well- you know how he is"

Luke chuckles

"Oh ok. But it is hard to keep a secret from my boyfriend you know"

Zander walks up to Luke
"Hey Luke! Ready to go?"

"Oh yes! Bye Hailey see you tonight"

He kisses Zander on the cheek and they walk to the mall. I sigh they are really cute together. I think about what Luke had said, 'Maybe I do have a chance with Jake!! Well I'll just have to wait'

(Hello! Sorry I haven't updated for a little-I will try update everyday, I've just been reading a lot of YOI fanfics heheh. Any way, I'll get a part 2 for this one shot as soon as I can! Anyway- gotta keep writing!)

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