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It was another day of Kazuichis father, Tatsuo Souda, verbally and physically abusing his son...

It was sickening, it really was.

A few hours later, Kazuichi regained continuous, getting off the floor and walking towards his room...

Sure he felt dizzy, but his room was a better place than anywhere else in his house.

"... Damn... Why did I talk back... I shoulda known what was gonna happen" He sighed, closing his bedroom door and locking it.

"...Fucking Tatsuo... I hate him..." He whiped his tears and planted his face in the pillow, "why can't life be normal..." He groaned, punching his pillow over and over again.

He lifted his head and stared at his bedroom closet that was in front of his bed.

"... Why?"


"What time even is it?" He asked, turning to his clock, "Two in the morning...?"

He rubbed his head and sighed, "I guess he really did beat the hell out of me, heh..."

"... I'm tired..." He whispered.

"...." He let his head gently hit the pillow as he fell asleep.


-in the morning-

"... "

He got out his bed and got ready for the day, putting on a white crop top and black torn jeans, along with a beanie.

Once he finished changing, he left his house, being as quiet as possible.

When he finally made it to class, he sat down and let out a big sigh.

"Will it be alright if I ask how your well being is today? You seen slightly different than usual" Tanaka asked, placing his hand on Kazuichis arm.

"Different? No, I'm not, I'm the same as always, besides, there's no reason to worry you goofball" Souda laughed, flicking Gundhams hand off of him.

"... I see..." He glanced up at Kazuichis face and back at his arm, "If you insist then j suppose your telling the truth"

Kazuichi nodded his head, "yeah yeah, whatever just shut up" He scoffed.


"Is Gundham still staring at me...?" He thought, he narrowed his eyes to Gundham, and... He was, Gundham was still staring at him.

"Gundham, why won't you talk to Miss Sonia?"

"The dark queen? Very simple really, her presence today is absent"

"Absent? But she told me she was going to eat lunch with me today" Kazuichi mumured, messing with his pencil, "... I knew I shouldn't have trusted her..."

He started sketching on his blueprint, a small smile appearing on his face.

Drawing was one think Kazuichi liked, he liked how it calmed him down when things are going downhill.

"Kazuichi, may I ask what you are dr-"

"Not now moron!" He shouted, shoving Gundhams hand off his desk, "I'm trying to do something!"

"O-Oh, of course!" Tanaka moved his arm off of his desk and rested his head on the palm of his hand.


When Miss Yukizome walked inside the classroom, they started learning about Hope and Despair and the difference between those two.


"..." Souda yawned and rested his head on the cafeteria table.

"Yo! Kazuichi! Mind if we take a seat?" Fuyuhiko asked, setting his tray down on the table.

"Mhm... I don't care..." He whispered, falling asleep.

"Why are you so tired today? Don't be like nanami and falling asleep everywhere-"

"No... I just didn't get enough sleep..."

"Oh? And what's with the new outfit? A crop top? That's not like you"

"Eh... It's just something I had in my closet so I decided to put it on..."

"... But, what about the jumpsuit-"

"It's in the washer"

"... Oh..." Kuzuryuu just nodded his head, "yeah, I see, that Jumpsuit really did needed to get cleaned up huh?"

"Yeah... It probably smelled like motor oil"

"Heh" Fuyuhiko laughed, "do you want some? I know you don't have any money, so..." He handed the tray to Kazuichi.

"Thanks dude, but no thanks, I already ate" He lied.

"Really? What did you eat?"

"... Uhm..." He lifted his head off the table and looked around, "oh! A sandwich!"

"Hm? Really?"

"Yeah! I ate a sandwich"

"Oh, okay" He chuckled, opening the bag of chips he got from the lunch lady.

"How about chips?"

"Nah, I'm full"

"Kazuichi, your acting really weird..."

"Huh? How am I acting weird?" He asked, fixing his posture.

"Well.. First off, it's the outfit"

"Hm? What about it-"

"Come on! It's a crop top! And it's cold outside! What the hell is wrong with you!?"


"Those jeans look cool though" He laughed.


Souda yawned again and fell back asleep.

"..." Fuyuhiko turned to Kazuichi and sighed, "who wears a ja- Gundham!"

He walked up to Gundham and tapped his shoulder, "uhm.. Hey... Gundham, can I borrow your jacket, you see Kazuichi-"

"Mhm" He took his jacket off and handed it to Fuyuhiko, "but be aware, I'm not sure if this will also affect Kazuichi, since it has made contact with my skin, but if he withers away, just know, it was the fabrics fault"

"... Okay..." He mumured as he walked off.

"Actually, Gundham, why won't you do it, I'm trying to eat"

"Oh, I don't see a problem with that I suppose"

Tanaka grabbed the jacket from Kuzuryuu and stared at the sleeping boy.

"...?" He noticed something...

"What?" He stared at Kazuichis back and shook his head, "I must be seeing such odd things..."

"..." Once he covered Kazuichi, he sat down next to him.

"Fuyuhiko, do you perhaps know what's happening to him at his domain?"

"... Actually, now that you mention it, I don't know"

"Do you possibly think..."

"...Wait, why? Did you... - did you see something on him?"


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