"Common mom! We aren't going to get to Seattle till like eight tonight!"
"Yes dear. I'm aware of that. Give me like another 10 minutes."
"Fine. But hurry up. I've been ready for almost an hour waiting for you to finish."
When my mom, Alice, was finally done getting ready, we got in the car and finally left for Seattle Washington. It was four hours away from where we live. We were going to see my cousin Heather and her boyfriend James. He had stomic cancer and was at Seattle Prespatorian for some treatments.
We were about an hour away from the hospital. My mom stopped at a stoplight. I was reading my book, Twilight Eclipse. I looked up when the light turned green. I turned my head to look out the window when a car came speeding towards us on my side.I yelled to my mom, "The brakes! Hit the brakes!"
She looked at me confused and saw the car slam into us. We flipped and flew threw the air. The next thing I knew another car slammed into us.
Please comment! It will really help me get motivated to keep writing on this story.