Girl's night

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Sana and Eva did their best to try to dissipate Vilde's hope regarding William. But, as per usual, it was to no avail. Vilde was absolutely dumbstruck. Emphasis on the dumb.

Eskild was quite happy Vilde didn't go to the club with us, as he would be more accompanied to the party. Eva almost didn't go, hesitating as she realized Vilde could seriously end up heartbroken and in need of help. But Sana was quick to remind her that Vilde had to learn by herself that she couldn't just ditch her friends for a guy that didn't even like her and expect us to run around behind her like a chicken without a head. She was damn right.

William had not tried to reach out even once more. Again, a relief, since I would have ignored him if he had. Chris had also stopped trying to convince me. He limited himself to winking as he passed the halls. Alejandro had only asked what I was doing and stopped there. We were still a little estranged, partly because I was becoming close with his ex and partly because I was making sure that he had no feelings for me whatsoever.

Soon, friday came and I was excited for it. I tidied up my house as I waited for the girls to come get ready.

We had agreed they would take all their stuff and we would help each other get ready, which was especially beneficial to the rest since Sana, Astrid and I were the most gifted with makeup.

They all started coming in in sweatpants and messy buns, with backpacks full of makeup, hair products, heels, dresses, and alcohol.

We blasted music as we all got ready.

We blasted music as we all got ready

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10:06 pm

Like always, I was the designated driver. Eva djed in the copilot seat, as Sana, Iben, and Anita were on the back. Astrid and her new friend were supposed to meet us there.

We finally got to the nightclub, a black building with big white letters spelling 'Sirene', which is norwegian for siren. The line was huge and the place was buzzing with people. We all widened our eyes as we took our place on the line and a group of incredibly good looking boys walked past.

Oh, this was going to be a great night!

Oh, this was going to be a great night!

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