Ready. Set. Go, girl!

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10:07 pm
William's POV

"She said yes?" exclaimed Chris. "Fucking finally!"

We were sitting in Chris' couch playing video games. My house had been recently invaded by my older brother so I might as well invade Chris. He hated my brother as well. It was hard not to.

I chuckled, "I know. I was scared she was going to say no again."

"You've gotten really good at handling rejection, willy boy," mocked Chris.

I punched him in the upper arm, making him select another character instead of the one he always chose.

"Hey!" He protested, before going back to click on the correct one.

"Anyways, where are you taking her? Are you going to fuck?" he asked casually. I glared at him, making him turn to look at me and shrug defensively, "What? I was just asking! When was the last time you got laid? It's been a while, man."

"It hasn't been that long," I denied even though I knew it was true. Goddamit, it was way too true.

"You have barely even talked to a girl that was not her since she came along," Chris pointed out. "Simp."

I rolled my eyes, not knowing what to say to it. I couldn't deny it. She really had me simping for her and there was nothing I could do about it.

"So, is that a no?" Chris pressed, having a lot of fun with making me uncomfortable. "Are you waiting for marriage? You saving your virginity, Willhelm?"

I glared at him hard. "Don't call me Willhelm," I grumbled, not wanting to say anything else about Rose and I.

"Right, forgot that's a Rose privilege," he whined. "Is it because I'm a white boy? Are you discriminating me because Im not a 5'8 latin girl? Because that's racist, xenophobic, and sexist."

I rolled my eyes, grinning, "You really are an idiot."

"You're even starting to speak like her. So rude," my best friend shook his head in mock disappointment. "We've lost you, man."

Yes, I did feel a little lost. And maybe I did not want to be found just yet.

"You're not coming to friday's party then?" he frowns, after thinking for a while.

"Nope," I stretch against the cushion, already feeling sleepy. "I'm taking her out to eat and then just show her around."

"Show her around what?" Chris smirked.

"You're even more horny than I am," I shook my head. "I'll just take her to an ice cream store and show her the city. She'll like it. I hope."

"You're such a romantic," Chris mocked. "Makes me want to disown you."

I chuckled, shaking my head as I grabbed the control remote.

It was a weird feeling to feel like I had grown so quickly. I felt more mature, almost adult.

Chris' actions and words, which had been mine not long ago, seemed utterly childish.

I guess deep down I had always known so, and even hated myself for it on the down low, but now I felt different. Hopeful. Like I could really change. Like I didn't have to be someone not even I could love.

Rosa's POV
7:15 pm

I scavenged my closet for something to wear, feeling very much like the homeless searching for food in a trash yard.

Nothing seemed appropriate. Mostly because I didn't even know what to expect. What were we doing?

I could not ask him because it would have made me feel desperate and clingy, and insecure. I thought about asking Chris but he would joke about it in front of him and embarrass me or tell him later and humiliate me. I also thought about asking Alejandro but I didn't know if he knew and I didn't want to risk it and look like a fool. So I just stayed quiet and decided to just wing it, because apparently that's the smart choice.

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