Make a scene

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*William's POV*

I frown at my phone screen.

"She's not replying to my messages," I grumble, staring at the last text I sent asking if she was going to Iben's party.

Chris snickers without looking away from the video game, "That doesn't mean she's back together with him. Chill."

He always knows exactly what I'm thinking and I wish he didn't. Hell, I feel so pathetic playing video games with Chris instead of going to a party while she's doing who knows what with her ex.

I try to find comfort in the fact that she's likely never alone with him, as she's being chaperoned by their two respective brothers, but that only makes it worse. Francisco would pressure her into getting back together when the guy wasn't even there. I didn't want to imagine what he would do now that Rosa and what-his-name are face to face. And staying in the same apartment. For a week. Possibly sleeping together-


I wish I was not that good of a friend to Chris. What I really need is a good distraction.

No, what I really need is for her to reply to my fucking texts.

I start typing out another message in my desperation. I don't even know what I'm saying but I want to say it to her.

For shit's sake, I just want to know she's not fucking him right now.

I haven't heard from her since yesterday, since he showed up. And it's driving me crazy.

I resort to desperate methods. I text Alejandro, who I know is at said party with Anita, who is one of Rosa's best friends. Surely one of them must know what's going up with her.

Me: hey man

Alejandro: suppp

Me: are you at Iben's right now?

Alejandro: yeah why?

Me: is Rosa there?

Alejandro: yeah she's here with Francisco and her ex and his brother. wtf is up with that

My head starts bothering me more than it has all day. And that's a lot considering I woke up with a killer hangover. To think that both things are all because of her.

Me: do they seem like they're back together?

My hands feel cold as I text. I know Alejandro would not judge me for simping for a complicatedly independent girl.

Alejandro: idk Will. his comments were pretty suggestive in Iben's insta but she didn't reply to them

I immediately open my instagram. Right at the top of my feed is a new post of Iben posing with Rosa.


She looks incredibly hot.

The thought that if I immediately thought so then he must have as well invaded me.

I grabbed my car keys and stood up abruptly, making Chris jump in surprise before he laughed as he ran behind me.

*Rosa's POV*

I see Lorenzo's retreating form rush upstairs and I launch myself to follow him. I don't know what I intend to do or say. I probably shouldn't even follow him, but I can't help myself.

I want him.

I want him back right this second.

I want him to have taken my hand and guided me upstairs with him.

I want him.

And I feel so incredibly stupid for having frozen. I feel like an absolute moron for the images of William fucking Magnusson that keep popping up in my head like a guilt trip. After all, isn't what I didn't do exactly what he did yesterday when we had a chance to be something else?

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