We better not split, bro

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*William's POV*
8:27 pm

*William's POV*8:27 pm

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She looked striking. I mean, she always did, but especially now that she was so close to me. She, technically, had dolled up for me. She was going on a date with me. How in the world had I gotten this lucky???

I stare at her staring at the passing buildings as I drive, her lips slightly curved upwards, her gaze placid, perfect music on the background. She looked like she was in a different world, a better one.

I almost didn't stop at a red light, and braked harshly when I did.

She laughed, being yanked out of her main character scene, "And people say I'm the bad driver."

"You are," I teased, even though she wasn't. "You drive like you're part of Fast and Furious."

"Can you believe I've only watched one of those movies?" She tilted her head, thoughtfully.

"Nothing a second date can't fix," I resolve smoothly.

She laughed, her head hitting the back of the chair lightly, "Talk about fast."

I smirk at her as I park in front of a small, warmly lit italian restaurant.

I smirk at her as I park in front of a small, warmly lit italian restaurant

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Rosa's POV
9:06 pm

Apparently William is very close to the owners of the restaurant. As soon as we enter the door, which he rapidly opens for me, an old chubby woman at the registry comes welcome him.

"William!" She cheers with a joyful accent. "Mio ragazzo!" (My boy.)

She embraces him tightly and he warmly returns the gesture. After releasing him, she turns to me and grins, "Who is this dark beauty with you? Mia ragazza, voi sono bellisima!"  (My girl, you're gorgeous!)

"Gracie," I reply with a smile. Good thing I studied italian for a little bit. It was so alike spanish it was almost easy sometimes.

"She speaks italian!" Coos the woman excitedly. "Where did you find this girl, William? I am glad you brought her to us! Amore, come see William's girlfriend! Amore!!!!"

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