First day at the Hartvig Nissen School

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I had spent the last two days solely focusing on moving into my new apartment. I could finally look around the once cold kitchen and feel it slightly more mine under the first rays of sunshine. Yes, this would be my home for a while. It was sure starting to look like it.

I rapidly fixed myself something to eat before I jumped in the shower

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I rapidly fixed myself something to eat before I jumped in the shower. I had picked out my clothes the night before, fretting about how to give the best first impression.

I had never been the new kid at school, much less the foreign one

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I had never been the new kid at school, much less the foreign one. Most of my friends I had known all my life, even since I was a baby, as in Colombia we have a single school for kindergarten, preschool, middle school, and high.

This all was completely new to me, from the moving countries to the change of school to living alone in an apartment. It all made me want to puke from anxiety, but it also left me energized. In all truth, I was beyond excited. I was going to be just fine.

No! I was going to have the time of my life!

I had been up all night worrying and wondering. One of my biggest worries was getting lost on the way to school. I knew myself to be distracted enough to end up on a bus to China. Luckily, as with most worries, I got to school right on time, taking the correct bus.

As soon as I arrived, there was a mature woman in a grey pencil skirt and suit and a young girl next to her waiting for me right before the entrance. I recognized the older woman from one of the pictures– she was the headmaster, Miss Larsen.

As soon as the young girl saw me, she smiled the biggest of smiles I had ever seen and signaled me to Miss Larsen, who greeted me with a soft smile.

"Miss Ramirez, it's a pleasure to finally meet you in person. Did you enjoy your flight?" Headmaster Larsen asked, her voice even more regal than in the videos.

"Vey much! Thank you for receiving me, Miss Larsen," I smiled radiantly, unable to contain the happiness of finally being here.

"Oh, the pleasure is all ours! We love to receive students from all over the world. We could only wish more would come. As I mentioned to your darling mother earlier, you are only the second one we have had in years." She chuckled lightly. "Anyways, I wanted to personally greet you before I went back to work. I trust that Vilde here will give you a warm welcome."

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