Mouths are for talking

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"Hi," I greet cheerfully as I close the door

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"Hi," I greet cheerfully as I close the door. But the huge grin on my face falls into a nervous smile as I realize how close together we are and the look in his eyes.

He's waiting. This is decisive. This is important.

And it's all a matter of who I'm willing to disappoint. Not only Lorenzo and my family or William and my friends, but myself. Any choice I make has the potential to break or make me.

"Hey," he says, and I can tell he's nervous. His hands lightly grip the stirring wheel as if trying to find something to do.

 His hands lightly grip the stirring wheel as if trying to find something to do

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"Hey!" squeals a voice from the backseat.

I lurch in my seat, letting out a small scream as I hit my head against the car's roof.

I turn around to glare at a hollering Chris, "What the fuck! Were you hiding back there?"

He leans into the front seats, "It's not my fault you two always ignore me. Every time you look at each other it's like, 'oh my god, who even is Chris?' I'm neglected!"

I look over at William, who rolls his eyes at his best friend, "Who even is Chris?"

"Funny," Chris clicks his tongue. I smile, taking it as a compliment. "Almost as funny as you denting the roof of the car with your big head."

I gasp, slinting my eyes at William's laughter at the remark. He gives me an easy smile and lifts his hand to the top of my head, tangling his fingers on my hair.

"I think it's a perfectly sized head," he muses. I roll my eyes at him, blushing lightly at the contact and how near he is to me now.

"Okay, I can sense you're about to make out," Chris interrupts like always. "Can I stay for the show or...?"


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