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"SO...HOW'S YOUR stay been?"

Cynthia shrugged. "Pretty fun, I guess. The Brighton trip was fun. Tom said the video was going up today, so..." she spun the earphone wire around her pointer finger, "that's cool."

The girl on the other side of the phone raised an eyebrow, surprised. "Cynthia, are you doing alright? You sound..." she paused. "Tired."

"Oh—" Cynthia chuckled. "I'm...alright. No need to worry."

The Welsh woman, Daisy, wasn't convinced. The two we're chatting over the phone, speaking about Daisy's trip to Wales and back, about Tommy, things roomates'll do. Cynthia was sprawled on her bed, her blonde locks splayed around her head. She spoke through her earphones, using the shitty iPhone Apple microphone since her phone wasn't near.

It was around 15:30 and Cynthia still didn't get out of bed. Tommy knew she could get like this, as anyone else would, so he didn't push, just texting her a few times to make sure she's okay.

The previous night and before that, Cynthia hadn't caught much sleep. There wasn't any exact reason, it just happened.

She shifted, the earphone wire rubbing against her neck. "Really?" asked Daisy. "Are you sleeping enough?"

Cynthia smiled softly, shaking her head. "No," she admitted. "It's fine, though," she added at Daisy's worried protests. "Anyways, I'm gonna head out. I'll talk to you later?"

"Hmm, alright. Text me if you need to," Daisy added. "I'm always available to talk."

She nodded. "I will. Thanks. Bye, Daisy. Talk to you soon."


Content creator TommyInnit posted a vlog about meeting Wilbur Soot and others in real life. The fans are excited to see his sister appear in the vlog
Trending with #TOMMY, #WILBUR, and more
29.1k Tweets

tori @froggieie_ - 3h
#NIKI: did you have fun today cynthia?
#CYNTHIA: ofc i met and hung out with the niki nihachu. what else could someone want?
💬 209  ♲ 215  ♡ 3.5k

carter @4krator - 4h
can we just talk about her and tubbo?
💬 53  ♲ 129  ♡ 1.2k

livia @livianotfound - 4h
#cynthia #wilbur
can we all agree that they match each other so well
💬 68  ♲ 189 ♡ 2.1k

melia @meLIArts - 3h
#CYNTHIA: mr. minecraft we're the same height..
#PHIL: ...what the fuck.
💬 72  ♲ 213  ♡ 1.8k

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