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"TOMMY?" SHE ASKED, bewildered. "The hell are you doing here?"

He laughed awkwardly and hooked a thumb over his shoulder, gesturing towards their parents sitting in their car on her driveway. "Mum and Dad just dropped me off," Tommy explained, "I thought I'd surprise you."

Cynthia pulled him into a hug and ruffled his hair. He cringed and pulled back, getting a good look at her. "Yikes, you look like shit," Tommy admits, followed by a laugh. Then, a concerned look overcomes his face after she chuckles softly. "Really, are you okay?"

She rubbed the back of her neck and nodded. "I'm alright, I guess. I can tell you about it later," Cynthia pushed him into the house and gestured vaguely towards her living room. "Wait there while I talk to Mum and Dad for a quick second."

Tommy stood awkwardly in the doorway as Cynthia jogged towards her parents, who were chatting quietly about something. She waved a hand and caught her Mum's attention, who promptly stepped out of the car.

While Cynthia caught up with her parents, Tommy made his way into the living room. Like he was told to, he sat patiently on the couch, looking around at his sister's apartment.

Of course, he'd visited before but only once or twice when she first moved in. It was a cozy two-story complex with an open living room, with couches, a TV, and a comfy atmosphere, attached to an accessible kitchen accompanied by a dining table. Stairs in front of the door led up to the second floor, where Daisy and Cynthia's rooms were.

As his eyes wandered, something caught Tommy's eye.

A too large hoodie sprawled on the beige couch. He raised a suspicious eyebrow at it and heard Cynthia coming back inside, shutting and locking the door behind her. She entered the living room, leaning against the entrance frame. "So, it really was your idea," Cynthia said, a small smile on her lips.

Tommy turned to his sister and shrugged, grinning. "'Course it was. Plus, you should've seen your face when you opened the door. It was like—" he held up his hands, fingers spread wide and a stupid shocked expression on his face.

Cynthia snorted at his childish display and unattached herself from the frame, approaching him. "I am glad you're here but I wish you warned me."

"But it was fun seeing your reaction," the younger brother countered.

She laughed lightly and waved an annoyed hand. "Whatever, already." Cynthia glanced at the large bag over his shoulder. "Quite packed, are you?"

Tommy merely shrugged and got up from the couch, stretching briefly. "Well? Are you gonna show your guest to their room or what?"

Cynthia scoffed and pinched his ear, causing him to jerk away. "Ouch!" He exclaimed, "That hurt."

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