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"I'M SORRY FOR leaving like that," Cynthia was saying, "I took some time to think about it, and..." she paused for a moment. "I guess I was channeling my internal pre-teen feelings and got scared."

"Scared?" asked Wilbur, "About what?"

It had been a few days since Wilbur's birthday and at eight in the evening, Cynthia was sitting on her bed, Wilbur's hoodie on and a cup of coffee on her bedside table. "Just scared," she said simply.

"You gotta give me more than that," he said, chuckling.

Cynthia hesitated and huffed. "Scared of this. I mean," she anxiously cracked her knuckles, "it would be pretty lame to ask you out over the phone, huh?"

Wilbur choked, a mixture of surprise, embarrassment, and confusion. "Sorry what?" He managed.

"Well, it would be better suited for me to vis—"

"Hold on, hold on," Wilbur interrupted, "I'm the one who's supposed to ask you. Not the other way around."

"So?" She asked. "You took too long—"

"I thought you were mad at me!"

Cynthia grimaced briefly, thoughts returning to how she left the beach. "Alright fine," she said, "error on my part. But, that's only because I was confused at the time. I know how I feel and I know what I want. So," finished Cynthia, "will you decline my offer or make this thing real?"

"I can't really decline, can I?" Wilbur asked, chuckling softly.

"You could," she answered. "That part is up to you."

A few moments of silence hung in the air before Wilbur nodded. "Let's do it. Well, not it but—"

"Oh my God," Cynthia mumbled, "I wasn't even thinking about that and you just—" She paused momentarily, sighing. "Have you been hanging out with Tommy lately?"


"You have."

Wilbur laughed, making Cynthia smile briefly. "Speaking of Tommy," he added, "I think he'd wanna hear about this."

"You are not about to add my brother to this Discord call," Cynthia groaned in annoyance.

But, the sound of someone joining the call rang through her earbuds and she cursed under her breath. "'Ello, guys. Will said something important happened?"

"It finally happened," said Wilbur.

"What?" Tommy asked, confused. "What happened?"

The corners of Cynthia's mouth downturned and she let out an exasperated breath. "We're dating. Together. Boyfriend and girlfriend," she explained, a sour tinge to her voice.

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