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CYNTHIA PULLED UP to her old house and exited her car, shutting the door behind her with Tommy's vlog gun in hand. She jogged up the small flight of stairs leading up to the front door before knocking on the wooden door.

Tommy swung open the door and raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Hey, Cynthia," he said, taking a step to the side, "wanna come in?"

She shook her head and handed him his toy. "I just came to drop this off," explained Cynthia.

"Oh," said Tommy quietly. "Right. Uh—" he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "So, Daisy's moving out—"

Cynthia groaned, annoyed. "Don't remind me."

"—are you gonna stay here? I mean, your apartment."

She looked at him, an eyebrow raised. "Well, yeah. That's what I had planned."

"What about Wilbur?"

"What about him?"

Tommy sighed and dropped his hand, shoving it into his pant pocket. "Move in with him. Like, I don't know, get an apartment together."

Cynthia just shakes her head, a small smile on her face, and ruffles his hair. "I'll catch you later, Tom," she said, "alright?"

Tommy gently removed her hand, growing slightly fond to her gestures, and nodded. "Alright," he said, "keep what I said in mind, though."

She rolled her eyes and nodded. "I'll try my best."


"I'M BACK!" SHOUTED Cynthia, shutting the door behind her and locking it. "Daisy?"

Her friend, sitting on the living room couch with multiple suitcases standing around her, raised a hand. "Welcome back," Daisy greeted, smiling slightly.

Cynthia's stomach dropped as she walked up to Daisy. "You're leaving tonight?"

Daisy slowly nodded. "Yeah," she said steadily, "my parents should be here soon."

Cynthia opened her arms and they hugged for a brief moment, taking in the short contact. She pulled back and looked at Cynthia closely, wiping her cheek with a thumb.

"Gosh," Daisy said, chuckling, "I said I'm not leaving forever."

"I can still be sad," Cynthia shot back, resting her forehead on her friend's shoulder.

Daisy shook her head and gently picked up Cynthia's head, keeping a steady gaze on her. "Not allowed," she said sharply. "I'll visit. It isn't the end of the world, Cynthia."

"It's the end of our journey though," she countered. "I'll be as sad as I want," she said, letting go of Daisy and falling onto the couch. "Do you even understand how lonely I'll be in this apartment? It's like one of those stupid movies or book," Cynthia added, laughing.

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