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"DIDN'T YOU TWO start dating like..." Tommy paused. "A few weeks ago or something?"

Cynthia bit back a harsh comment and nodded. "Yeah," she admitted, "but you're the one who suggested we live together."

Tommy slowly nodded. "You're right about that one, Cyn."

Sitting on her bed, Cynthia was chatting to Tommy over the phone, just to catch up. The sun was barely setting as she leaned into her pillows, tugging the white sleeves of her sweater. It had been a week since Wilbur asked Cynthia to live with him—the kind of week where it's fast but the nights are painfully slow.

"So you guys are serious about living together?" He asked, shifting his position on his chair.

"Mhm," hummed Cynthia. "We talked it over a few nights ago and he said we can start looking for a place tomorrow," she started, "we're not in a rush anyway."

Tommy nodded and paused for a moment, thinking carefully about what to say next. "He's treating you alright?" asked Tommy. "Not that he wouldn't be—I'm just—making sure," he stammered.

Cynthia chuckled, heart warmed that he was checking up on her. "Yeah, he is," she responded, "you have nothing to worry about. Plus," added Cynthia, "if he wasn't, you'd know by now."

He was quiet before agreeing. "No, yeah, you're right." Tommy ran a hand through his hair and exhaled heavily. "Do you—erm—love him?"

Cynthia raised an interested eyebrow. "What brought on that question?" She asked, genuinely intrigued.

"Well—okay, listen—" he said quickly, rushing out his explanation. "You two have been together for not that long and, well, I don't know, you guys are already so close. Really, if I saw you two from across the street or something, I'd think you two were together for a super, super long time. So, like—do you?"

Cynthia snorted at his response, amused. "I do," she replied. "Quite a lot, actually."

Tommy exhaled and leaned back in his chair. "That's always good. Wilbur feels the same way. I would know," he added with a hint of pride, "he never stops talking about you."

She smiled at the thought. "Is that so?"

"Yeah, yeah," Tommy started, "I hop into a call with him and all he goes on about is you, you, maybe a bit of YouTube and all that, and back to you. It's frankly annoying, but somewhat cute," he joked.

Cynthia laughed and glanced at the teddy bears sitting at the edge of her bed. "Well? What about you? Fallen in love yet, kiddo?"

Tommy cringed and shook his head violently. "No way, no way. Love, that's for adults, inn't?"

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