2:Michelle's Loud Mouth

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Slightly overwhelmed, Fia followed her new friends for more antics, not wanting to go home just yet.

After the so- called 'tour', Erin lead the group to the shopping centre where they hopped into a cafe. Fia settled into a seat between Michelle and James, and Clare offered to buy everyone a coke.

"So, Fia. Tell us about your life in Belfast." Michelle said, slurping her drink.

"Well. Um." Fia thought long and hard. What was she to talk about?

"Catch yourself on, Michelle. Don't put her on the spot." Clare scoffed. "It's fine, Fia." Clare continued, letting the timid girl know that she didn't have to speak up if she didn't want to.

"No. I'm okay. I grew up there, went to school. I'm Catholic, like all of you. Had a few close friends, and well, now I live here with my Aunt and Uncle." Fia said, playing with her straw, staring at her drink. She was obviously leaving 99% of the story out, but no one said anything.

The five teens stared at her.

"I'm excited for school tomorrow, though." Fia smiled, changing the subject.

"Yeah you should be. School is absolute CRACKER." Orla howled.

"Mm. Not really Orla. But you'll like it." Erin smiled. "Do you have your schedule yet?"

Fia nodded. "It's back at the house. We can stop there on our way back and I'll show you. I'm pretty sure it goes like 'Art, French, History, then break, Religion, Biology and I think maybe Maths'." Fia said, sipping her drink.

"I'm pretty sure you'll have each class with at least one of us." James said beside her. "There's not many kids, which means less classes."

They all finished up. Fia noticed Erin and Michelle ranting about someone called David Donnelly, and Clare and Orla popped in and out of fancy clothing stores as they walked through the mall, trying to find the nearest exit. Even for the five teens who lived in Derry, it still took some time for them to figure out which entrance to use.

"How are you liking Derry so far?" James smiled. Fia laughed.

"Not going to lie, James. I was terrified to relocate. It's all new. But I'm starting to feel less anxious about it, thanks to the lot of ya." Fia chuckled, looking at Orla and Clare running out of a store, being chased by the store clerk yelling at them.

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