20: Written on the Cast

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Here is chapter twenty! TWENTY! I can't believe it! Enjoy, and remember to leave a comment and a vote!

Here is chapter twenty! TWENTY! I can't believe it! Enjoy, and remember to leave a comment and a vote!•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

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"Okay- ow! That REALLY hurts mate." James said as one of the adults at the roller rink splinted his wrist.

Fia tried to argue with the only worker on duty at the roller rink- a boy not much older than her, as he refused to call an ambulance.

"I only call the ambulance for IMMEDIATE medical emergencies! Like seizures, or, or heart attacks!" He said.

"Okay, but my boyfriend is currently sitting on the floor of the roller rink with his wrist bent funny- it's clearly broken, sir."

"Cut the 'sir' shit. Call yer mom, she can drive ye to Altnegelvin."

Fia sighed. He knew Deidre and Martin were both at work, so she concluded that she'd have to call her Aunt Ella.

Fia watched as the father of the little girl he almost ran over sat with James as she dialed the phone. She kept standing up on her tippy toes to make sure he was okay and not passed out on the floor.

She couldn't remember her Aunts phone number.

"Shit." She mumbled. She'd forgotten. She dialed in what she thought the numbers were, and said a quick prayer to St. Anthony that he'd help her remember.

"Hello, Ella speaking."

"Aunt Ella!" Fia said frantically, saying a thank you to the saint.

"Fia? Oh my goodness, is everything okay? Whats the matter?"

"James- He hurt his wrist real bad, I'd bet my next pay check hes broken it."

"Oh my god? Where are you?"

"Still at the roller rink. We need to get to Altnegelvin so a doctor can look at it, but I think Deirdre is working, could you drive us?"

"I'm just leaving the house. Why the feck wouldn't ye call an ambulance?"

"The worker said no. I have no idea. Just come really fast please. I'm kind of scared. He's in a lot of pain." She said.

"It's alright sweetheart. I'm on my way. Sit tight, I'll be there in five minutes."

Fia hung up and gave the phone back to the kid at the front desk, who she'd assume would've fired for being so crappy.

She ran back over to the bench where James was now sitting, and sat beside him.

"How're ye feeling." She said, squeezing his other hand, and he grabbed her hand.

"I've been better. What's the plan?" James' face was scrunched in pain.

You Just Get Me- a Derry Girls FicWhere stories live. Discover now