23: The Return of Cathy Maguire

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Hey guys! Sorry for the longer wait. I hope you've all had a fantastic Monday!

I wasn't sure if Cathy spelt her name with a 'K' or a 'C'. I read Erin's Diary and I can't remember if her name was Cathy or Kathy so I've just gone with a C. Correct me if I'm wrong! 🤗

Remember to comment and vote! Sending love!! xx- Siobhan

Remember to comment and vote! Sending love!! xx- Siobhan •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

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The new year rolled around quite fast. Michelle threw a get together for the six of them at her place, and the only person who got drunk was her.

A few days into the new year, Fia had another appointment at Altnegelvin. It went okay. With tears, none the less, but no worse than last time. The doctor tried to convince her to go to Belfast with her Aunt and Uncle to go through the storage that they owned from their parents, but Fia absolutely refused that for now.

James came knocking on her door later in the day in excitement, and Fia was confused when he was bouncing up and down on her front porch step waving a piece of paper in the air.

"You look elated." Fia raised an eyebrow. "What's that you've got in you hand?"

James didn't say anything, but grabbed her hand and pulled her to the street.

In the driveway was a  car.


The paper he was holding was his full drivers license, and he had taken Deirdres car out for a spin.

"I passed!"

Fia joined him in jumping up in the air with him.

"What about Erin and Clare? Did they pass too?"

James nodded excitedly. "They did!"

"That's amazing!!"

"What do you say we go for a drive?" James said, swinging Fia's hand around in excitement.

Fia hesitated. It's not that she didn't trust James, it's that she didn't trust other people on the road.

"What? Do you think I'm THAT bad of a driver then, Fia?" He chuckled.

"No. It's just im worried that other people are." She said. "What if we get in a car accident?"

"I'm not Michelle, Fia! Besides, you think I'd put you in danger?"

"Not on purpose..." she smirked, but let go of his hand, walking around to get in the passenger seat.

"Wait!" He said, running around the car to beat her to the door. "Allow me."

"James... what the-"

He opened the car door for her, and allowed her to step in. Once she shut the door, he leaned in through the rolled down window and kissed her. "Chivalry is not dead yet."

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