17: Conspiracy

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EXACTLY ONE MONTH AGO I BEGAN TO WRITE THIS FIC.. and now it already has 1.11k reads! 💖

I hope everyone has had a lovely Tuesday! Enjoy this chapter! remember to comment and vote, and as always, I'd love to hear your thoughts and ideas in my Messages as well!

I hope everyone has had a lovely Tuesday! Enjoy this chapter! remember to comment and vote, and as always, I'd love to hear your thoughts and ideas in my Messages as well!••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

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"Get a move on, dickweed. We don't have all day." Michelle yelled at her cousin, who was walking slowly behind. The pair was heading to Fionnuala's to pick up Deirdre's order she had written on the list.

"Michelle. Relax." James snapped as he held open the door of the chip shop to an elderly couple.

James and Michelle headed into the chip shop. Sure enough, David Donnelly was there as well, waiting for his order.

"Hey, David." Michelle muttered. James waved.

"Guys- I have news."

Michelle's eyes went wide. "Did you finally ask Erin out? Holy shit-"

"No. NO! It's about y'know who."

"Michael?" James whispered.

"What'll it be?" Fionnuala asked.

"Here." Michelle handed her the list. "Loads of salt. Y'know the drill.

Michelle watched Fionnuala's eyes roll and once she turned back into the kitchen, she gathered around David and James.

"Ok. Spill."

"Okay. So Erin told ye how he was arrested right?"

"Yes. Old news." James said.

"Get on with it, will ye?" Michelle spat.

"You know the rumour that his da and uncle were Provo's? You know how People made that up because no one knew about him?"


"Turns out they weren't far off. His Da and Uncle are PRODS."

"How is that even closely related?" James pondered.

"The more I think about it, it was a lacking analogy. Anyways, he's from Belfast. They're in the UDA. Close enough, both bad groups I suppose."

James' heart sunk.

"What does this have to-" Michelle said, but was cut off.

"So my Da- he is friends with a police officer here in Derry. Apparently his Da is a wanted criminal in the free state."


David nodded his head. "He's a loyalist extremist. Rumour has it he's in Derry."


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