24: Rich in Love and Money

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Finally, here is Chapter 24! Enjoy, let me know what you guys think! Have an amazing rest of your Sunday! •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••JAMES

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Finally, here is Chapter 24! Enjoy, let me know what you guys think! Have an amazing rest of your Sunday!

Internally, James was shaking like a leaf in a windstorm. On the outside, he was trying to pull himself together. For himself, mostly, but to show his mum that he wasn't the same childish boy he was when he left her in Derry two years ago.

"Mum. What do you w...." he took a deep breath, choosing his words carefully. "What's going on?"

Cathy sighed. "I don't know, I just-" she stared at her son for a bit, scanning him. "You've grown since I last saw you."

"Yeah, well. It's been a good year and a half."

Cathy sighed. "I'm sorry son. I really did miss you."

"Did you? Because I know my family can vouch for me when I say I've called you every Sunday for the past year, waiting for you by the phone. Auntie Deirdre, you can see the look of disappointment in her face when I walk from the phone with a look of despair. Uncle Martin? He can't say anything positive about the way you've treated him, or any of us. Michelle is down right scared of you, and everyone knows that Michelle's not afraid of anything. And, and Fia?" James paused, taking a breath when he noticed his mum was tearing up. "She wanted to meet the mother of her boyfriend, yet, I was afraid. Afraid of how you'd make her feel, what you'd say."

Cathy was silent, nodding at the honest words coming out of James mouth. She knew deep down that James never spoke up to adults, so he really must have been feeling something if that's what just came out of his mouth.

"James. I want you to know that, that I am sorry."

"Mum. Please. I need an explanation. A good one. No more excuses. I'm sick of hearing them. I'm growing up now. I'm turning eighteen in a month. I'm going to be an adult. And I want you to be a part of my life, mum. I want my kids to have a grandmother. I want my kids to spend time with their grandmother, not just see her in a picture book." James was crying now, begging his mum for an explanation. The pain in his voice was audible to Cathy.

"I moved. I moved away from London."

"Okay." James said. "Please... elaborate. I don't see how that's a reason to abandon your son."

"I- I don't have a reason. I just got caught up in the moment. Of my new exciting life. I'm in Glasgow, now. And I thought you'd be better off If I didn't call you."

"Mum." James sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Why on earth would you think that?"

"Because I'm a failure, James! All of my businesses keep failing! Everytime I see you, I've got this new whack job of an idea, and it always fails. I couldn't bring myself to face you or my family."

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