||five, day one||

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Basically, they're stuck together for a while-

Keigo groaned and woke up a few hours later, not knowing the time or anything. He looked at the other on the bed, 'he's kinda cute.' He thought to himself as he smiled a little. 'Of course the cute, and hot ones are the guys who dont want me.' he sighed and looked around the room, standing up and walked around, being careful not to wake Touya. "Ooo" he let out quietly when he saw a book he'd been wanting to read for a while, he grabbed it before sitting back down in the corner. He started reading, looking up to the Todoroki ever so often to check if he's still asleep.

He took a short nap, not bothering to get up from the bed. Touya didnt have the energy to get up or move around. It was pointless anyways. He'd just have to speak to the other, the one thing he didnt want to do. He looked at the sheets blinking, half asleep.

Keigo stayed reading his book, as he looked up and saw that Touya was awake and stopped looking up. He sighed quietly, smiling at the book.

Touya didnt even need to look up to know the other was awake, he could hear his breathing from the corner. "What are you smiling about, chicken legs?" He took a deep breath, slowly sitting up from the bed.

Keigo jumped a little when the other spoke to him. "Oh um, just the book im reading." He sighed "and dont call me that." He looked up at Touya for a second then went back to reading.

"What? Chicken legs? What else do you expect me to call you? Bird brain. I could work with that too if you want" he stretched, raising his arms in the air while yawning. He didnt get up though. He just looked at the other with a sleepy expression.

"Or neither. Just use my name, surely you know how to do that." He sighed, chuckling quietly. A small smile was still on his face, it was more like a side grin at this point. "Would you rather me call you Touya or Todoroki? Some people prefer to be called by their family name, others their birth name. So i just ask, because i dont wanna make you uncomfortable."

"Call me Todoroki and i'll burn your wings straight off your shoulders." He threatened, glaring at Keigo. "Bird brain fits you though." Touya raised an eyebrow, before standing up and stretching again.

Keigo laughed quietly. "Alright, keigo it is then. And i dont care, if it suitss me." He hummed slightly. He looked at the other, immediately looking back down. 'Dont fall for him' he repeated in his head.

Touya crinkled his nose, at the other before walking to the bathroom. He looked at his reflection, in the large mirror; poking at the staple under his eyes. He didnt know what he would do in here. He couldnt leave nor go to the garden, he wanted to avoid talking to the bird man.

Keigo watched as Touya walked to the bathroom and took a deep breath. 'God. Dont fall for him.' He repeatedly said. He wanted out the room, but didn't want to fall for the guy.

He sighed, walking out of the bathroom. He flopped on the bed, hands over his stomach. "How long do you think they'll keep us here...?" He stared at the ceiling, having an annoyed look on his face.

"Its your dad who locked us away. But, i know my dad wouldnt.. wouldnt lock someone up for more then a week." He looked at the other. "Whats with the scars?"

"Im sure it was a joint effort. Your dad wouldnt just let my dad lock us up without his agreement." Touyas eyes darted to the other. "I was born with them." He lied, but it was the story he wasnt supposed to tell anyone. Yet was told to tell everyone. There are no pictures on display of him without them. If Keigo knew, he would be treated differently.

"My dad doesnt care about anyone except himself. It was probably his idea." Keigo stood up, as he closed his book, walking over to the book stand; he stretched his wings and put the book away. "Really? I think they're really badass looking. I've never known anyone to be born with scars. Are they all over your body?" Keigo had loads of questions to ask him.

He answered shortly. "Yes." He turned away, starting to walk towards the sofa in the front of the room. Someone could actually live here, the only thing thats missing is a kitchen. "They're everywhere.." he sat down placing his hands over his stomach and slouching. Touya reached up, scratching his cheek before looking at the fireplace.

He sat on his knees, looking directly at the other. "Do they hurt?" Keigo questioned, he didnt want to ask too many questions at once, so he thought one at a time would be okay. He walked over and say on an armed chair.

"No. They're just itchy..but the staples will pop out if im not careful. I just have to check them once in a while... nothing big." He eyed the other who had moved.

"Huh. Why dont you get stitches instead? Wouldnt it be safer and better?" Keigo avoided eye contact with the other. He didnt want it to be awkward. They were actually talking. "Im just curious. You dont have to answer my questions if you dont want do."

"Stitches would be unlikely. My skin has somehow formed to be one with the graphs. Staples keep it together so i dont have a chance of falling apart.. literally. Considering my quirk, i really need to move around." He ignored what the other said, he honestly couldnt care what the other knew. It wont change anything.

"Oh, that makes sence. So if you took the staples out, your skin would like, fall apart and stuff? Are they annoying when you sleep? Like, if a staple got caught on something, wouldn't it rip off?" Keigo was too curious for his own good. But, this gave them a conversation topic! He was happy, and excited about that. He wanted, so badly to at least be friends with Touya.

"No my skin is healed together. Its like peeling aloe. The staples are just there to hold my skin together, stopping it from moving. If it moved it could likely get infected. And no, i dont think any of my staples have gotten caught on anything." He sighed, listening to the others constant questions. He easily got annoyed by them but people annoy him in general.

Hey guys. Technically this is a "day one: part one" but thats too long of a title sooo. I hope you liked it!

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