2: Duke Dipshit

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This time it was the pounding in my head that awoke me. My memory of last night's events isn't great, all I remember is that after I got home I took a drink from the water pump and it was drugged. It was a rookie mistake, but I'm not a rookie. For me it's the mistake of someone who is no longer used to being hunted.

Opening my eyes hurts like a bitch, I can't have been out for more than a day based on the sunlight creeping in through the slit near the roof of my iron cage. My legs and hands are shackled and wrapped in iron but I don't need my powers to escape.

I wouldn't still be alive if someone wanted me dead, so why is that someone wants me alive?

That question is enough to motivate me to stay in this cell a while longer. Most of my blades are gone, the oaf who patted my down missed a few that I keep very well hidden. I can't stand the gauntlets on my hands so I pick the lock with my teeth using a hair pin I was able to shake out of my loose braids. I've been sitting in this cell for probably five hours before the door finally creaks open.

"How'd you get the gauntlets off? And don't think about making a break for it though I'd love to see you try," the male says. He was too back lit for me to really make out his features but I could gauge enough about him to know that he'd put up a good fight. He stands somewhere around 6'8" from what I can tell, definitely the build of a soldier. Fae, from his scent and probably old as heck. Other than that I can only see that he has shoulder length dark hair.

"Well where's the fun in telling you all my secrets now?" I say with a smirk. It's been too long since I've gotten to banter with someone who thinks they have all of the power. I've missed it. He doesn't seem like the humorous type as he just glares back at me. Personally I thought it was pretty funny.

"A hairpin," I say as I chuck the pin at him, "one of your goonies must've missed it while they were feeling me up." I say with a smile. He doesn't think that is funny either.

"Should I reattach those gauntlets and check you for more tools myself or should I trust you?"

Now that puts a real smile on my face, "Well, as much as I would love to have a hunk like you check me for weapons," I wink, "I rather dislike those hunks of metal. As for if you should trust me... I think I'm the wrong person to ask." Luckily he doesn't make a move to reattach the gauntlets.

"What is your name?" My gods if he wasn't already scary and broody he is now.

"Creed," I know that's not the name he wants but, he is yet to have given me reason to tell him my real name, Maya Rae.

"Let me rephrase my question. What is your real name?" Now he's definitely mad.

I pause for a while before responding with a few questions of my own, "Where am I? Why am I here? What's your name? What time is it? Can I get some more of that stuff ya knocked me out with? Name is Creed, by the way. How much longer until yo---" He cuts me off there with a backhanded blow to my face. It hurts like a bitch but I've taken worse. If I thought he was mad before... boy was I wrong.

"You're in Orynth, that is all I will tell you. Unless you are actually going to give me any useful information I'm going to leave. I'll be back tomorrow and hopefully that nasty bruise forming on your face will give you some incentive to start talking." He shuts the door and locks it after that. I think that he and I are going to be fast friends.


Five days pass and the same thing happens everyday. I'm interested in why I'm being held in the capitol and the food isn't half bad, so I stay. The only reason I feel like finally leaving is because of Lana, Lyra and Lucia. It's not that they can't live on their own, because they can. It's that they have been trained to hunt me to the ends of the earth if I go missing for more than a week, which is in about 13 hours. My best bet is to make a deal. Duke Dipshit (that's his new nickname) will probably waltz in here in about an hour or so. Once he arrives I will make him an offer that mostly benefits him. He retrieves my three demon babies and in return I tell him my names and he doesn't get mauled by them.

It's almost exactly an hour later when Duke Dipshit decides to make an appearance.

"What's your real name?" Oh how I've missed his humor.

"Wow someone has his panties in a twist this morning, sheesh." I reply.

"Still not going to talk?"

"Give a girl a sec, my goodness. Actually I am ready to talk today. A person might even say that the offer I'm about to make you is selfless," I say as I slide him a joking grin. He just glares waiting for me to go on. "I would like to propose a most advantageous offer. I'm sure you already know this about me but I am in possession of three dearly beloved demon babies. My hounds, bless their hearts, have been given strict orders to hunt me down should I go missing for more than seven days without communicating with them. That week is up in about 12 hours. Soooooo, you bring me my hounds and I'll tell you my names." Now he looks slightly interested.

"Names?" he asks.

"I'm willing to give you all of the names I have used and in return you bring me my hounds... unharmed."

"And how would this benefit me, yes I find out your names but I would've tortured them out of you quite easily. It seems to benefit you more than me, no?" This, this right here, is why he got his nickname.

"Buddy, you're missing the point. My demon babies will literally rip you and anyone else who tries to keep them from me to shreds. That is how this will benefit you, you get life and my names." He nods as agreement to my offer and starts to exit my cell but I stop him. "Ah ah ah, you're going to need some instructions. You can't just approach them and expect them to come easily. You say to them 'dothra koon', follow nice, in the old language of the fae. Say anything else and you are screwed."

"I'll be back with your demon babies," he says in a mocking tone. Nice to see that he lightens up when he gets what he wants.

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