10: Technically

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A/N: Switching up the pov and writing style... this makes it easier to read and write.

Vaughan's POV

 Three days. Vaughan hadn't been able to get Maya to talk to him for three days. Every morning he asked her how she was, the most he got was a silent shrug. He understood that Maya probably has her own trauma, but why be so cagey when he'd done nothing to make her not trust him?

At this point Vaughan knew that Maya wouldn't want to talk to him so he decided to meet her in the training room rather than escort her as he usually would.

Maya walked into the training room five minutes before six. Usually she radiated casual confidence but today Vaughan noticed that her eyes were darting around, she was chewing the inside of her cheek and her index fingers were scratching at the skin around her thumbnails. She also reeked of death.

As the doors closed behind her Vaughan also noticed that her hounds weren't trailing her like normal. She was alone, and she didn't seem to be enjoying it.

"Rough night?" He asked as she placed the brute of a sword she brought for practice purposes onto a table. The thing looked more like a giant meat cleaver, it wasn't made for graceful swordplay, but for hacking away at whoever came near. 

As soon as he spoke she whipped her head over to him and he noticed that her eyes were the same light blue that they were the night he spoke with her as she cleaned her daggers. She didn't respond to him and instead scanned his face cautiously.

Seeing that he hit a nerve Vaughan decided to change the subject. He would rather speak to her and not receive a response than sit in silence with her until she actually started to train the recruits. 

"To what extent can you use your powers?" Vaughan had only seen her use them two or three times in the weeks she'd been in the palace. Either she didn't like to use them, or she could hardly use them at all. Even when he'd been observing her before she was taken to the palace he hadn't seen her use them.

"Why does it matter?" The first she'd spoken to him in days.

"Just curious," he replied, trying to hide the shock that she actually replied.

"Don't be," Maya said coldly.

"Well given what I've seen, you aren't powerful." He should have stopped there but the cold grey of Maya's eyes when she looked over to him caused him to continue. "Or you could be very powerful. I'm sure that one doesn't become an infamous assassin if they don't have intense magical capabilities to help them." Usually Vaughan isn't one to talk but the prospect of annoying her after she'd ignored him for days was to good.

"Even if I lacked a deep well of power, which I don't, I would still be just as well known."

"Prove it," he said smugly.

"Oh please haven't you had your fun for the day already?" The tone she used when she said that sounded pained, this gave Vaughan the impression that she still wasn't over the other night. Toying with her about her powers probably wasn't helping either. "You already got your revenge on me for ignoring you and being a bitch about the other night so why do you have to pester me about my powers?" 

Now Vaughan was confused. The only thing he'd done to her was bother her about her powers. He eyed her confusedly, unable to figure out what revenge she was referring to.

"Don't look at me like that," Maya stated. His newly raised eyebrow caused her to continue. "Don't look at me like like you have no clue what I'm talking about."

"I honestly don't"

"Wow, you must have been very drunk to not only believe it was a good idea but also to have forgotten it completely!"

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