5: Moving In

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Maya's POV

Vaughan seems extremely upset that he has to show me around. Personally, I don't think I make such bad company but hey, to each their own. He's already shown me a plethora of rooms, all of which have been too large and lacking in windows. My refusal of all 17 of these rooms seems to have put him on edge.

"What about this one?" Vaughan asks as he shows me to the 18th room. It is once again not satisfactory. The ceilings are too low and the windows on the east wall let in a minimal amount of sunshine to light up the large room.

"No." I say simply

"Listen, I don't know if you are refusing these rooms to annoy me or because you actually have some aversion to them, but I would appreciate it if you could explain what you are looking for so that we can get this over with."

"I want something small, one main room and a bathroom. It has to have some windows, all of these rooms remind me of that cell you locked me up in not so long ago." 

Vaughan didn't reply to me, he rather turned around and I got the message that I should follow. After walking to the other side of the palace he finally stops by a tiny set of stairs leading up to a simple wooden door. He motions for me to take a look so I ascend the ten or so steps up to the door. Peeking inside I see that the room is a hexagonal shape. On the right there are two doors which I look into. The closer one leads into a sizable closet that would be more than sufficient for storing my clothes and weapons. The farther one has a spacious and beautifully tiled bathroom. As for the main room, all of the walls are lined with windows looking out upon the grounds. The room is sizable and has all of the necessities; a desk, fireplace, couches, dining table and a rather large bed. Definitely perfect for me and my demon babies.

"I'll take it!" I exclaim upon exiting the room. "I assume I will be allowed to return to my cottage and collect my things? With an escort, of course."

"We leave in one hour. The weapons and clothes we took from you upon your arrival as well as your hounds will be brought up to you before then," Vaughan stated before turning around and leaving. He's a real lively guy, ya know?


Sure enough my suit and weapons as well as Lana, Lyra and Lucia were sent up to my new room. After bathing and an intense cuddle session with my demon babies, I heard a single knock on my door. I wonder who it could be?

Once I stalked over to the door and opened it I was met with an icy glare from Vaughan. "Ya know if you make that face any longer it'll stick," I say in response to his presence. He turns around and motions for me to follow him. "Taul," come in the old language, sends my three demon babies chasing after me. 

As Vaughan and I walk towards an exit from the palace he tells me that along with my assassin duties I will work to train the newest recruits for the palace guard. Great, so I'm on babysitting duty. He also tells me that I will be training only the male recruits, the reason as to why, I do not know.

A short walk leads us to a gate pointing south, in the general direction of my cottage. Vaughan waves to the sentries and the gate begins to open. A flash of light in Vaughan's direction catches my attention and I finally get to see his animal form, an osprey. I guess it was him that I saw in the village the day I was taken. To signal Lana, Lyra and Lucia to head towards home I say, "compar," home in the old language. They immediately set off into a run and with a flash of light I'm on all fours and heading to lead them.


About an hour later my little cottage comes into view, home. I catch Vaughn perched on a branch near the edge of the small clearing my cottage is found in. I suppose he won't be helping me pack. I shift back into my fae form and unlock my front door, I'm greeted with the familiar scent of aged wood and flowers.

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