6: Ugh... Males

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I awake well before the sun rises. Odds are I got about three hours of sleep. I'm used to the nightmares, they've taunted me my whole life. But, that doesn't mean I like them. Last night they plagued my sleep more than usual.

It's about five in the morning so Vaughan will be here in about an hour. I guess I can take my time getting ready. Getting out of bed really doesn't sound fun though and based on Lana's pacing by the door, she needs to use the restroom. Odds are they want breakfast too.

With the knowledge that none of them are very patient and that I have no clue where to get them adequate food in this place I walk over and open the door. "Huyt, grische," (go, hunt in the old language) sends them out through the door. They should be back before Vaughan gets here. Now it's my turn to get ready for the day.


Luckily there is an apple and a pitcher of water from dinner last night still sitting on my dining table. The hot bath I just took has me dehydrated and I need to eat a little before training the new recruits.

Naturally my thick head of curls won't be dry for at least another two hours so I settle for putting it in my signature braids while wet. I've worn the same braids almost everyday for as long as I can remember. My curls are rarely something that I like to deal with so french braids that leave the bottom few inches of my hair out to show off my curls work nicely. The braids also do a good job of hiding the blades I have sheathed in the dermal implants on my skull. Those were a gift from my former master, Carhmel Rookling, on my ninth birthday.

Considering the fact that this will be my first time ever actually training people, I have no clue what to expect. Luckily Vaughan will be there to guide me along the way. 

I was too tired to unpack last night so after a few minutes of digging through my trunks I find some suitable clothing. Tight black leggings, a thin and loose midnight blue colored tunic and a classic pair of mid-calf height boots. Weapons wise I have the blades hidden in my hair but otherwise I'll have to ask Vaughan what to bring. I peek up at the clock and see it's almost six. Perfect timing.

A few minutes later a single, hard knock comes from my door. "What weapons do I need?" I ask as I open the door. Niceties like a 'hello' don't seem necessary as Vaughan doesn't seem to be much of a talker. I'm glad to see that he is wearing similar, informal training clothes and that I'm not under dressed.

"We'll be training hand to hand combat and be doing some basic workouts so none are necessary. You may however bring a few if you would like to train alone while the recruits go on their run," Vaughan states. The man really likes to get to the point.

"Epic," is my only reply as I race over to my trunks to pick out a few of my favorites. I strap my two favorite scims along my back and grab two belts of twelve throwing knives. A sapphire encrusted dagger also catches my eye so I attach it to a belt and race out of the door while doing up the belt around my waist. "So what exactly am I to expect today?"

"I'll give you the details once we arrive in the training room but for the most part it will be hand to hand combat. I assume you have enough skill to train them in such matters."

"You don't work as an assassin for 19 years and not know how to throw a punch," I joke. Vaughan just nods and keeps walking. Seriously, what is with this guy?!

The walk to the training room is short and I catch my demon babies running back to my room and holler their names to get them heading my way. They fall into their usual formation with Lucia closest to my right side, Lana in the middle and Lyra furthest from me. Vaughan doesn't seem particularly happy that they will be joining us. But that sounds like a him problem.

The training room is epic to say the least. There are plenty of sparring rings, mats, targets and punching bags organized around the room. I'm going to like it here. The room itself is more of an open aired studio. There are only two real walls and the open sides look out on the palace grounds. I believe the high ceiling is the bottom of the bridge way between the east and west wings.

Vaughan tells me that I basically just make them go for a six mile run, have them do a full body workout and then teach them the basics of throwing a punch. He also told me that odds are they won't like listening to me considering I'm a pretty looking female. This means that I need to make a show of some sort and I quote, 'assert my dominance'. Ugh... males


About five minutes before six thirty all of the recruits start to file in. I keep my back turned to them knowing they'll recognize me from yesterday if they see my face and I don't want that to happen until they're all here. The sound of the doors closing let's me know that everybody is here so I turn around on my heels and make sure to keep my head down. "Silence," I say just loud enough to grab their attention. They all quiet down and turn their attention to me. I look up and scan the room, seeing the confused looks on their faces nearly sends me into a fit of hysterical laughter but my years of training helps me keep it together. "I'm sure you all remember me from yesterday, and I thank you for helping me move in. I moved into the palace because the Queen has hired my to be your trainer from now on." After saying that the whole room bursts into chuckles and I swear I hear a lot of them making fun of me. I expected this. It'll work to my advantage.

Their tall leader from yesterday, Caspian, hushes them and then speaks up. "Now I remember your keen sense of humor from yesterday and while I'm sure we would all love to spend more time with a lovely lady like yourself, Miss Rae. Why don't you run along so we can get to training with Sir Oakfall over there. I must say the prank was qui-"

"Silence." I say but he just proceeds to talk over me and keeps going.

"-te funny and hopefully we can.." He keeps going. At this point I'm ignoring the sound of his voice and before he can even realize what's going on I've grabbed two throwing knives and have sent then careening towards him. He lets out a yelp as they pin him to the punching bag he stands in front of by the sides of his shirt. I also take the liberty to freeze the moisture that resonates in his mouth, this clamps his jaw shut and freezes his tongue. Now everyone is silent.

"When I say silence... I expect silence. And trust that when I do end up playing a prank on you all, at least three of you will end up fatally injured. Oh and recruits, it's Ma'am to you now." Now that they're all silent I waltz up to Caspian and pull the knives out from either side of his shirt and give him a wink. This time he doesn't look enticed, he seems scared. Good. I also make sure to remove the ice that kept him from talking.

I walk back up to where my demon babies patiently wait and speak to them in the old language, "ref sacha wortuul, clorsa, okar retovk," lead six miles, outside, slow pace. They take off immediately and I'm left to find all of the recruits staring at me with bewildered looks on their faces. "What are you waiting for? Follow them!" They all scramble towards the door.

I guess I have successfully asserted my dominance.

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