Chapter Two

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You were so close to smacking someone up side the head. The day had barely even started and already, you were getting a massive headache. After the weird dream you had this morning you'd gotten ready to meet up with your group to go hiking on the trail and met up with them where you then proceeded to get inside a bigger car that could hold about eight people if you really squeezed them in. Now you didn't mind carpooling since it saved money, however when you're surrounded by some of your most chaotic friends in a small space as they either argued or did something incredibly stupid, it was honestly a pain in the ass. And who were these lovely companions that you were with?

Well none other than your group of misfits. Ace, Deuce, Jack and Epel. Added with Jade, Floyd and Azul it was just bound to get chaotic to an extent. You could hear Ace and Deuce arguing about something stupid, Floyd laughing at them and Jade making side comments whenever he wasn't giving Azul directions. Azul himself looked like he was pretty much at the same mentality as you, tired and ready to pull the car over to rip someone a new one. You, Jack and Epel were the only ones who were acting somewhat normal during this chaotic car ride. You rubbed your temples to sooth your headache and try to relax a bit. You'd think that after becoming adults you and your friends would be more mature, but nope. You all were still as disastrous as you were back in school. You closed your eyes trying to tune out Ace and Deuce's argument, something about a favorite beverage or along those lines you'd lost track and lost the ability to care at this point. You had barely had your eyes closed for a minute before a tap startled you out of your small trance. Opening your eyes you found yourself looking at Jack who was looking concerned, or as concerned as he was willing to show in his expression.

"Hey are you alright? Do you want me to shut them up?"

He asked you gesturing towards the duo. You couldn't help but give him a small smile, leave it to Jack to go mom friend when you needed it most.

"Nah I'm good, but thanks for asking."

You said deciding to spare the two men from one of Jack's stern lectures. After that you, Jack and Epel spoke quietly amongst yourselves to pass the time. Thankfully it didn't take much longer to finally get to your destination. As soon as the car was parked you all practically sprung from the vehicle, wanting to stretch your legs.

"Thank the seven seas we're finally out of that damn car."

You heard Azul muttered quietly to himself. You couldn't help but snicker, feeling the same way. After everyone had gotten themselves together the eight of you got your packs to go hiking.

"I'll be splitting us up into small groups so we can explore easier and safer. Floyd, Azul and I will be taking the first trail. Ace and Deuce will accompany Jack since he'll keep the two of you in line. And (Y/N) and Epel will group up. Any objections?"

Jade asked with a smile. No one said anything, knowing better than to push the man seeing as how he was also somewhat irritated from the long car ride if his comments had been anything to go by.

"Good. Keep your phones handy should you need to call someone and stay safe yeah?"

Jade finished up before gathering his things. Floyd had started to talk to his brother as the trio disappeared on to the first trail. Ace gave a smirk towards Deuce in a challenging way.

"Oi, bet I can beat you on finishing the second trail."

He taunted already starting on the trail. Deuce gave a growl and quickly retorted back.

"You wish Ace!"

He snapped before following behind him. Jack gave an exhausted sigh before turning to you and Epel.

"Stay safe you two. I mean it."

He said. You gave a solutte while Epel rolled his eyes.

"Aye, aye Mr. Howl."

You said with a large grin.

"Alright mom."

Epel said with a smirk. Jack gave you two a narrowed eyed look before jogging off in the direction that Ace and Deuce went. Once out of sight Epel gave you a look full of mischief.

"You wanna go explore and find some cool stuff?"

He asked you. You gave your own smirk.

"But of course, lead the way."

You said in a mischievous tone. There was a reason Jack had told you two to be careful for a reason. You and Epel were famous for getting into trouble and rising hell. Jack had unfortunately learned this lesson back when you all were in high school and he made sure to always remind you two to be careful. It was honestly sweet of your friend but you and Epel weren't kids anymore. With that in mind and a game plan set the two of you went on to the third trail, ready to search every nook and cranny for something exciting.

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