Chapter Eight

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You walked to the elevator doors, not wanting to be near your apartment any longer. After having that bombshell dropped on you, you'd decided that staying in the apartment wouldn't be the wisest thing to do. You pressed the button to get the ground floor and waited for the elevator to open up, tapping your foot in a nervous sort of way. It didn't take long for the small dinging to alert you of its arrival and as quickly as possible you hopped in and let the elevator take you down. As soon as the elevator hit the ground floor you shot out like a bullet, heading towards the front door leaving the apartment complex and went to the side of the building. The side of the building was the place where smokers and such would go to sneak in smoke breaks and whatnot. Once you were completely out of sight you slide down the brick wall and curled up into a tight ball as if it'd protect you from this world shaking information.

To think that less than twenty four hours ago you'd been a normal person. You lived a mundane existence, worked at a low paying job and just basically lived your everyday life the best way you could. You were completely ordinary. But everything was turned upside down. Suddenly your normal existence was suddenly strange and unnatural. Fairytales that were nothing more than children's stories and movies were suddenly very real. And you were thrown into it, unprepared and questioning your very being.

'Who am I....? Am I even me anymore? Or just this lost, dead princess?'

You questioned yourself, completely lost. You thought about everything that had happened and you thought about the horned man, Malleus. The man you'd apparently been married to at one point. Your heart gave a small twinge of sorrow and you suddenly felt frustrated.

'Where these even my feelings????? Or were they the princess's???'

You thought angrily. Grabbing a nearby rock you threw it as hard as you could. It bounced off a trashcan and rolled a bit before coming to a stop. You stared at it, thinking and glaring at the rock as if it was the one that caused all of this. You shouldn't have to deal with this, you shouldn't have to be questioning everything you knew about yourself. This wasn't a Disney movie for God sakes! You groaned and buried your face in your knees. Despite the conflicting emotions and questions you couldn't find it within yourself to blame Lilia or his friends. They didn't know that your life would be thrown into chaos like this. You sighed the anger fading away as you began to think about this logically.

Technically you didn't owe Lilia anything since the past you had died. You could tell Lilia to leave and he couldn't really do anything about it. You could wipe your hands of this and go back to your normal life and just ignore the soul swallowing confusion and slight despair. You could totally do it easy peasy. However the thought didn't sit well with you. Technically if what Lilia said was true then them waking up was one hundred and ten percent your fault. They were basically homeless and lost in a world so different from theirs, all because you couldn't stay on the hiking path. Not to mention that deep down despite all the information overloading you've received you couldn't help but wonder.

What had made Malleus so special that made you fall in love with him?

What kind of person was he? Was he a kind one? Or a ruthless one?

Would you feel the same way again as your past self did? Would he feel the same way for the reborn you?

These questions are what were keeping you from storming back up to your apartment and telling Lilia to leave and never come back. You bit your lip, conflicted. You had a choice to make now, you could either turn Lilia and by extension Malleus away, never think about this and live a normal life again or you could take a chance to at least talk to this mysterious Malleus and never go back to your normal life again. You sat there quietly, thinking about the pros and cons of each choice, your heart and mind battling it out for a good while. After about an hour of sitting there and thinking you'd finally made up your mind. Looking up from your knees and fixing the crick in your neck from not moving for so long you noticed that the sun was starting to raise more in the sky, painting it in a array of pinks, yellows and reds.

"The start of a new day.....quite literally."

You mumbled before getting up from the cold ground, your joints cracking a bit as you stretched and brushed yourself off. You knew what you had to do, you knew your choice and now it was time to let Lilia know.

'I just hope I made the right decision.'


Lilia watched as the door closed behind you, worried about how the information you'd learned would affect you. It wasn't everyday that you were told that you were a reincarnated princess that was married to his young master. The small man sighed feeling like he may have made a mistake in dropping all of this on you.

"I really need to brush up on my communication skills. It's obviously been too long since I've spoken to another human other than Silver."

He muttered getting down from his stool. He wanted to follow you to make sure you were okay but he also wanted to respect your wishes of being left alone. Deciding to leave you be Lilia began to look around your apartment, taking in the strange things that littered it. There was a strange box sitting on a wooden table in front of your sofa, as well as strange vines that connected to your walls and such. Your kitchen didn't have a big brick oven with flames in it but rather a strange square box that could somehow make fire which he'd learned this morning before you'd came to put a stop to it. Lilia left the kitchen and went into the living room, picking up some of your books and other knickknacks. You had paintings on your walls along with the vines, with different people in them. There was a painting of you with an older man and woman who looked a lot like you.

'Ah they must be her parents.'

Lilia thought before looking at the others. He saw a few with some men in them, one with reddish brown eyes and bright red hair, another with dark blue hair and bright blue eyes, the third one with silver white hair and golden eyes and the last one with lavender hair and bright blue eyes as well. The four of them were in a lot of the paintings along with you in different stages of your life from early childhood to the present. Other paintings included a man who looked like a businessman, two twins, a man with bright green eyes and a small child with a beaming smile, a man who was incredibly beautiful with a blonde haired man and so on and so forth. All of them obviously of great importance to you if they decorated your walls.

"Just like in her past life she attracts many different people with just her bright soul alone."

Lilia muttered, happy that you had so many loved ones. He would have snooped through your things more if a loud yowl didn't startle him. Looking around Lilia's eyes landed on your cat who was sitting in front of his dish, howling for breakfast. Deciding to feed the poor thing Lilia looked around for something that seemed editable before he saw a bag labeled cat food. Grabbing that he feed Grimm, the cat digging in quickly and happily. It was shortly after he'd got done feeding him that Lilia heard your door open. Turning towards the noise he saw you stepping inside and shutting the door.

"Oh welcome back Dearie. I just got done feeding your little beastie here."

Lilia said with a small smile. You blinked and surprisingly gave him a small smile back.

"Thank you Lilia. I appreciate that....."

You muttered trailing off. Lilia watched you noticing that you were nervous about something.

"Lilia. I've thought long and hard about everything you've told me and about what course of action I wish to take."

You declared to him, voice shaking a bit from the nerves.

"Oh? And what is your decision Dearie?"

Lilia asked, tone gentle. You bit your lip again trying to get the words out and looked at Lilia. His expression held no judgment nor ill intent for you, but rather patience and understanding. It was then you knew that Lilia wouldn't force you into anything you didn't want to do and would completely understand whichever decision you decided to go with. Taking a deep breath you gave Lilia a determined look.

"Yes. And my decision is......."

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