Chapter Four

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A good thirty minutes had passed before you'd finally forced yourself to move from the fountain. You knew that if you wanted to get out of this place and return back to your friends, you'd have to explore and look for a way out of here. So with a steely determination you began your search for a way out. You started looking through the courtyard since it was how you'd entered into this weird place. After that search proved to be fruitless you decided that the next place to look would be the castle. Making your way towards the crumbling building you carefully treaded over broken stones and viney thorns before you entering the castle through a huge hole on the side. Once inside you were greeted with darkness, the air musty from having no life in it for so long. Searching for your flashlight you turned it on, the room filled with dust, and broken furniture.

You couldn't help but shiver as you cautiously made your way through the huge room that you'd entered in. The room you realized was a throne room, further in the room two thrones were broken and abandoned. Their once glorious designs ruined by time, dust and mold. Moving your flashlight around as you made your way further in you'd begun to notice piles on the floor. Only they weren't piles that matched the debris that was scattered across the room. No they were piles of armor and swords and other things. You felt your blood freeze in your veins as you realized that what you were looking at were the old remains of bodies. You felt sick and began to shake from fear, and started to walk backwards to move away from them when you once again went tumbling to the ground landing on your butt. With a yelp and swear you looked around wildly before seeing the thing you tripped over. It was covered by a tapestry, and was solid yet lumpy.

You felt yourself break out into a sweat, your heart pounding in your chest as you slowly reached a shaking hand towards the lumpy pile you tripped over. Grabbing the old worn cloth you gripped it and pulled. There bathed in your flashlight's rays was a body of a tall man with horns. You froze, horror filling all your senses and you shrieked scooting away quickly from the body.

"Oh God, oh God, oh fuck is he dead??? Oh jesus...!!!"

You rambled panicking and high on adrenaline. You began to breathe shallowly, regretting everything. Biting your lip you reached a shaking hand to the body and shook his shoulder, praying to God that he wasn't dead.

"H-hey!! Are you okay??? Oh God you're dead aren't you??? Oh fuck I gotta go get someone to help...!"

You rambled more, getting more and more freaked out and stressed out. As you continued your little down spiral you failed to notice the shadow that had started to loom over you.


A voice boomed. You whirled around eyes widening in shock as a man stood right behind you, sword in hand ready to swing downwards to strike you. You didn't think, you acted. As quick as lightening you rolled out of the way, the loud clang of the sword hitting the stone floor echoing throughout the throne room. You sprang up onto your feet and without even thinking twice, you bolted back out into the courtyard. The stranger was right behind you, shouting at you in a booming voice. You risked taking a look back and paled when you got a good look at him. He had mint green hair and slanted green eyes. His clothes were of that of an extremely old knight and his sword was huge and wicked sharp. There was no way in hell you were going to stop running so you continued running blindly in the courtyard until finally you seen it, your salvation.

A door.

You didn't even question it as you literally threw open the damn thing, its old brittle hinges screaming in protest at the rough treatment. You went to slam it shut only to see that guy coming right at you full speed, sword pointed right at you. With a loud scream you slammed the door shut, the sword running right threw the wood. Wheezing and shaking you could still hear the man.


He boomed loudly and viciously. You didn't stick around long after that, as you continued to run down the door's corridor. Getting to the end you saw there was another door at the end of the way. Practically breaking down that door you went flying and landed on the ground scuffing your palms and face. Panting heavily you groaned and pushed your aching body up off the ground a bit to look around. You about slumped back down in relief. You were back in the forest you'd orginally been in.

You were safe.

Getting up with a few cracking noises coming from your joints, you quickly moved away from the door and went to get back to your friends and get the hell out of here. You barely moved a few steps before found yourself stopping dead in your tracks. The man you'd found, the man with the horns, the castle.....

They were the same things from your dreams.

That's when you collapsed on the ground, no longer able to actually function. As unconsciousness and exhaustion took over the last thing you saw was amethyst and silver and a soft baffled voice.

"It's you.....!"

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