Chapter Ten

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You followed close behind Lilia making sure to keep an eye on him should he get distracted by the sights of the city that you lived in. Despite him looking completely uninterested expression wise, his eyes told a different story. Red hues would light up with awe and curiosity as the two of you passed different things that were modern. It was honestly quite adorable to see the older fae look around at this whole new world that you'd come to call home. You couldn't help but feel grateful that you'd gotten a job within walking distance to your apartment, if you had taken your car then you wouldn't be able to see Lilia's excitement towards all of these things. You couldn't help but smile a teeny bit as the fae watched a car pass by, his eyes sparkling a bit.

'Hehe he's like a little kid. All excited over the simplest things. I wonder if his boys are like this as well.'

You thought to yourself amused a bit. You were taken out of your thoughts by Lilia's voice.

"The world of humanity has changed a lot since I've last seen it."

He said with a hum as he continued to walk on the sidewalk with you close behind him, listening to him.

"I bet it's all really confusing, just seeing all of this."

You commented thoughtfully earning a hum of agreement. The two of you continued your journey in silence after that, content just to enjoy the sounds of your footsteps and city life as you steadily approached your apartment complex. As you drew nearer you began to feel restless and nervous. This was it. You were going to actually go through with this and meet this fae's little group and the man you'd loved from a past life. It was nerve wrecking as you continued to think about it and started to actually process the reality of your choice. The two of you finally made it to the apartment complex and stepped inside heading towards the elevators and hoping in to go up. As the elevator dinged with each floor you grew more and more anxious.

'Does my hair look okay? Do I smell from working in the kitchen and with customers all day? Oh God what am I gonna say to him? Do I just say hi? Do I go to shake his hand and introduce myself? Oh fuck I'm not prepared.'

You rambled in your head as the elevator finally hit your floor. Lilia hopped out and you followed suit, sweating bullets as you both headed towards your apartment. Lilia lead the way as he knocked on your door. Almost immediately it swung open and there standing in your door way was the Minty Fresh sword guy.

'Oh fuck my life.'

You moaned in your head on edge. The guy noticed you and looked like he was in about the same boat as you. Nervous and on slight edge as well as embarrassed by the looks of it.

"Lilia-sama! Princess! I'm glad you have returned safely!"

The man nearly shouted. You jumped from the loud tone a bit spooked. Lilia on the other hand seemed completely at ease as he stepped inside your apartment.

"Sebek, I'm glad to see you've done your job. Good job."

Lilia said sounding pleased. The guy, Sebek just nodded looking proud at the praise. Now that you were looking at him properly without him trying to run you through you noticed how young he looked. Almost like he was seventeen, or eighteen at most. Just a few years younger than you. It was a shock to say the least, seeing as how he didn't really look intimidating anymore. You gave a small unsure smile and waved praying that he wouldn't pull out his sword to stab you. Sebek saw your movement and almost immediately bowed causing your jaw to drop in shock.

"Your highness! Forgive me for how our first meeting went! I did not know that you were royalty nor did I know that you were Lord Malleus's beloved!"

He spoke loudly, not daring to look at you. You awkwardly put your hand on his shoulder to get him back into a straightened position.

"It's uh...okay. I shouldn't have been snooping around like that. You're um....forgiven?"

You finished awkwardly not used to this treatment. Sebek looked up at you and with a nod shut the door behind you as soon as you were inside and took back to standing guard. Baffled a bit you looked towards the living room that you'd just stepped into to notice two other faces. Another knight was standing by the window, his amethyst eyes watching you like a hawk. Lilia was next to him looking amused by all of this awkward atmosphere. Then your eyes flickered to the couch and your breath caught in your throat. It was him....the man you'd been dreaming about and had tripped over about four days ago.

Malleus, the prince.

The room seemed to stop as you observed him, taking in his appearance. Now that you weren't being driven by panic and thinking he was a dead body you could see him clearly now. Malleus was handsome, a sharp, pale face with dark raven black hair and bangs framed said face nicely. His eyes were bright green, and were staring at you seemingly doing the same thing you were doing. His horns were elegant like and his posture held a refined air to him. His body was muscular yet beautiful looking. All in all Malleus was a handsome man and it honestly should have been a crime. You stared at him, not daring to move closer to him while Malleus seemed to think a bit differently as he slowly but gracefully lifted himself off of your couch and revealed his full height.

Malleus was tall.

Ridiculously so. His head touched your ceiling just barely you realized. You were practically having whiplash from it. Not only was he incredibly good looking but he was tall too.

'God damn past me had some great taste in men. He's gorgeous I can't even handle this.'

You thought in a star struck way. As soon as you had this thought a loud choking noise of suppressed laughter startled you. Confused by this you actually looked at your surroundings instead of somewhat being star struck by Mallues and noticed several things.

One, Malleus's face was slightly red, his eyes wide with surprise.

Two, Sebek and Silver were looking at you baffled.

Three, Lilia was practically shaking with laughter, amusement all over his face.

It took you a moment to realize what had happened.

"Oh God I said that out loud didn't I?"

You asked horrified that your brain to mouth communication failed you in the most horrifying way possible. That question set Lilia off into fits of laughter and Malleus's cheeks and ears went bright red at your unintentional compliment. Sebek and Silver looked embarrassed by the situation obviously not wanting to be apart of this moment.

"Yes you did (Y/N) fufu~"

Lilia answered you in a mirthful way. Malleus just looked at you, unable to speak due to how surprised and flattered he was. You felt your whole face light up like a firetruck, wanting to have the floor swallow you whole, while you silently screamed internally.

'Smooth (Y/N)! About as smooth as sandpaper. God damnit why can't I keep my mouth shut.'

You screamed in your head. While having your little breakdown you'd gotten interrupted by a small cough. Eyes turning towards the sound they met Malleus's green ones.

"I uh thank you for the compliment. You too look beautiful as well."

He said voice deep and smooth. Oh dear sweet lord you were gonna die at this rate and you barely even knew the man. Blushing even more you looked away shyly and embarrassed.

"T-thank you...."

You mumbled out before quickly excusing yourself to your bedroom where you'd take a very long time to change your clothes. Speed walking past him you about tripped over own feet as you quickly scurried to your room wanting nothing more than to disappear.

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