Chapter Twelve

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'This is so awkward.'

The thought whispered in your head unhelpfully as you stood in your  living room with the four mystical beings. After you'd come out of your room and had given yourself your little mental pep talk you'd thought you'd had this whole situation under control. However you were proven wrong as soon as you met the bright green eyes of your past husband and his friends still sitting in your living room. You fought back the blush and sudden anxiety that started to build up and offered a somewhat awkward smile.

"Uh....are any of you hungry.....? Or thirsty....?"

You asked your voice cracking slightly before you cleared your throat to try and get it to stop. Dear God you were an absolute mess at the moment and it was quite clear to the four men in the room that you were. The room remained quiet and you felt yourself begin to sweat from your nerves before a voice spoke up.

"Ah perhaps tea your highness if it's not too much to ask for?"

Lilia asked his gaze knowing. You felt your anxiety lessen at Lilia's voice. Bless the small fae for reading the atmosphere and helping you out.

"Of course! I'll uh go get the kettle going! Just um....make yourselves at home!"

You stumbled through your sentence awkwardly before zooming out of the living room and towards the kitchen. As soon as they were out of your line of sight you practically sagged with relief.

"That couldn't have been more awkward.....jeez I'm a mess. Come on (Y/N) get it together!"

You scolded yourself softly before going to get your kettle and fill it with water. The sounds of the water hitting the metal pot was grounding for you in an already stressful environment. Once it was full you went to put it on the stove to heat it up only to about fall over in shock as the familiar tall form of Malleus Draconia filled your vision from the kitchen doorway. You dropped the pot in a startled manner and went to catch it only for the tall fae to catch the kettle for you, a concerned look on his face.

"Ah..! Forgive me child of man for startling you, I had wanted to see if you perhaps needed some assistance....."

Malleus said in a somewhat rushed manner. You couldn't help but blush lightly and quickly shook your head.

"N-no! You're fine and I'm good here! There's no need to apologize, I should have been paying more attention.....and uh thank you for catching my kettle."

You mumbled shyly and awkwardly. Malleus blinked at you before a somewhat awkward smile came upon his face.

"It's no was the least I could do for startling you so suddenly."

He answered softly. You couldn't help but stare for a moment at him once again taking in his features. You'd thought he was good looking before but seeing him smile made him even more handsome than before.

"You should smile more....."

You mumbled softly not thinking about it too much.

"I beg your pardon.....?"

Malleus asked confused and slightly flustered by your sentence. You felt your heart pound and your face broke out into another blush before you quickly went to explain yourself.

"Ah! Sorry it's just-! You look really nice when you smile and I just thought that maybe you should do it more often and I'm going to shut up now."

You rambled like a lunatic as Malleus watched you in concern and confusion. You wanted to die a little bit, it's not even been thirty minutes since you met the man and once again your mouth and mind disconnected from one another leaving you to say stupid things without thinking. You couldn't believe that this was happening to you, you'd never been so embarrassed in all your life till now. You shouldn't be struggling to keep yourself from word vomiting on this stranger yet......

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