Baby, I Love You

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A/N: A pic of our ot4 at the Brits with Pesy looking like an ABSOLUTE power couple🤗 That hand hold? PleAse😭


     There must have been some pre-planning on Jes's part, 'cos there's a man holding a microphone out for me in the pit and a cord for my guitar just next to where Jes is.

She embraces me again once I reach her, careful of my guitar between us, before she turns back to the crowd.

"As you may have gathered from our little chinwag on stage earlier," Jesy starts, "Perrie here means a great deal to me. Many of you know that she was part of my team prior to getting her big break, and she's very important to me on a personal level."

"You could just tell them, you know," I tease, gesturing to the audience. "Pretty sure they already know what's up thanks to my little slip up earlier."

Jesy laughs, all big and bright and happy, so I peck a kiss to her cheek. I can't hold back my affection any longer. Pretty soon it's all gonna bubble over right here on this stage, so we better get things going!

"Tell them what? Whatever do you mean?" Jesy asks, shooting me a wink.

"Well, you could tell them that you're my-" I start, moving the microphone away from my mouth while I pretty obviously mime the world girlfriend.

The crowd goes mad, and Jesy just smiles, at them and at me.

"You wouldn't mind?" Jesy asks, letting her face drift closer to mine.

"No," I say, running a careful finger along her sharp cheekbones, her cute little nose, and around her perfect, overdrawn lips. She kisses my fingertip when one of my fingers slips across the bottom one, and I giggle in response. We're being disgustingly soppy, I know that, but I'm happier than I've ever been, so I can't bring myself to care.

"Well, we probably don't even need to tell them, do we? Since they all seem to know already," Jesy muses, grinning big when the crowd goes even more crazy.

"You're probably right," I say, pretending to think it over. "They all seem quite bored of us talking about it by now, anyway."

"Mmh, yeah. We should just get on with our little singsong, eh?" She says, turning to face the audience fully. "What do you think?"

They scream, some of them yes and some aww and I swear I hear a distinct chorus of tell us! chanted over and over.

"Alright, we'll get on with it, then," Jesy coos, the audience hanging on her every word, just like I do. She guides me over to a set of two stools that have suddenly appeared on the stage, holding my hand as I sit down before she hops up onto her stool.

"Now, the song we're gonna do is from Pezza's new EP. You've all bought it, yes? If you haven't, you must! It's the album of the year, if I do say so myself. Well, it's the album of the year so far, at least," Jesy says with a wink at the audience, who begin to scream again at the possibility of a new NELS album. It's only been about six months since her last- she hasn't even toured it yet- but she's been writing like mad, I know, so I wouldn't be surprised if another drop is on it's way. Especially since the last album is still under Syco and a new one would be under XL, which means Jes would have the full rights to it, unlike her previous albums.

"Pezza, do you want to introduce the song?" Jes asks, turning back to me.

"Sure," I say, beaming at her gorgeous face. "So, the song we're gonna do is the last one on my EP. I wrote it about- ah, about someone I was missing very, very much while I was recording this album. It's probably my favorite song to play, and I'm very excited to sing it with my Jes tonight."

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