Chapter 6

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I went home shortly after Demi and I talked. I felt bad for Demi, she had it really rough. She's gone through things girls shouldn't have to go through. Hell, nobody should go through what she went through.

I walked into the school after getting through the paps. They're so annoying. My brothers went off in different directions. One going left, and the other going right. While I just kept going straight.

"Hey, baby." Taylor came over to me and started kissing me. I pushed her away, "Hey." I answered, "Everything okay?" She asked.

"Yeah. I'm just tired." I answered. I wasn't actually lying. I just didn't tell her the full truth...that I was tired of her.

"Oh, well I know how to fix that." She smiled and grabbled my hand. I turned my head and saw Demi walking with her friends. I saw her roll her eyes. It was strange to me how different she was now that we're in school. How she could go from being cold to being nice, then to cold again. But I guess she has a reason.

Taylor dragged me to a corner, "Taylor. I can't, I have class." I started to walk away.

"Why are you being like this?" She asked.

"Because a relationship consists more than just making out. I just need some space." I told her.

"Are you breaking up with me?" She started tearing up.

"No, I'm not breaking up with you. I just think that we should just have some space for a little bit." I explained.

"It's because of her, isn't it?" She questioned.

"Who? Demi? No."


"Then why do you spend so much time with her?" She was starting to actually cry now. I started to feel really bad.

"No. It's just for a project in music class. Her, my brothers, and I all got partnered up to write a song. Once we're done, we won't meet up anymore. And we won't talk anymore, okay? She's not even my friend." I reassured her.

I heard a noise come from behind me, I turned around and didn't see anything. So I put my focus back onto Taylor, "Okay. I'll see you later then." She smiled and walked away.

I sighed and went to class.


I had accidently forgotten my science book in my locker. I turned around the corner and stopped when I heard my name. Joe and Taylor were talking right in front of me. I guess they didn't know I was there.

"Once we're done, we won't meet up anymore. And we won't talk anymore, okay? She's not even my friend." Joe spoke. I quickly turned away, but my bag accidentally hit against a locker. I kept walking. I sped walked into the nearest bathroom. I checked to make sure nobody was in the stalls. No one was, so I quickly locked the door.

I let the tears fall from my eyes. I ran my hands through my hair. I looked at myself in the mirror, "Am I not good enough for anything?" I turned around and kicked a stall door.

I looked down at my wrists, "Stay strong, Demi." I whispered to myself. I sighed and went back to the sink and washed my face. Once I was done, I reaplied my makeup. Very dark makeup.

I took my time to get to science class. At that point, I didn't even care.

I walked into the classroom, "Miss Lovato, why are you late?" The teacher asked.

"Reasons." I told him and walked to my seat.

"What reasons?" He questioned.

"Personal reasons. And don't ask what personal reasons. It's none of your business." I snapped back.

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