Chapter 2

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I took a deep breath as I pulled up to the school, Dallas is letting me borrow her car until I get my own. I stepped out and began walking to the doors.

You got this, Demi.

I caught a few stares as I walked into the school. It didn't bother me though. I've learned to deal with it. I walked into the office, "Hey, I'm here to get my papers." I said to the lady at the front desk.

"Yes, you must be Demetria Lovato. I'm Mrs. R. Here are your papers. I have a student who will be here shortly to show you around." The answered sweetly.

A few minutes later, two girls entered the room, "Hey, Mrs. R, is it okay if Miley comes too? She's a little uncertain about where her second semester classes are." One of the girls said.

"Of course. Selena, Miley, this is Demetria. Demetria, these girls will be showing you around the school." Mrs. R smiled.

"Cool." I said and walked out.

I heard feet shuffling behind me, "Hey, I'm Selena, and this Miley."

"Sup, I'm Demi." I slowed my pace down, "So where is everything?" I asked as I let them look at my schedule.

"Wow, we actually have a lot of the same classes. Well, except for Music and English, we have those switched, but everything else is the same." Selena said as she reviewed my scheldule.

"Alright, so down this hall is the science wing. This is our first class right here." Miley pointed to a closed door. I nodded my head.

"And then your next class is English. Follow me." Selena lead the way, and showed me my English class. Then advisory.

We were walking to where the lunchroom is, they showed me where they usually wat outside. Suddenly, a limo pulled up to the sidewalk. There were people with camera's, "What's happening over there?" I asked.

"Oh yeah! Those are the Jonas Brothers, they were sent back for senior year by their dad, and this is the school they chose." Selena squealed.

"The Jonas Brothers?..." I trailed off.

"You're joking, right?" Selena asked. I shook my head.

"The Jonas Brothers are a really popular boy band. There's Kevin, the oldest, Joe, the middle, and Nick, the youngest. Nick is our age." Miley continued.

"Well, they can't be that popular If I've never heard them." I answered, "Now where's the music class?" I asked as I began walking back inside.

Selena and Miley showed me around more. We came back right before science ended, I gave him my papers and he smiled at me and welcomed me.

"Oh, and one last thing. Try to stay away from Taylor Swift. If you get on her bad side she'll do something to you." Selena warned.

"Wouldn't she just get in trouble then?" I asked.

"No, her dad us the principal of the school. So gets away with everything." Miley answered as she rolled her eyes.

"Alright, well, thanks for the warning." I said, and continued writing things down in my notebook.

I left the science wing and was on my way to English. I took my time because that's what cool people do. Right?

I walked into the classroom, and was immediately greeted with stares, "You must be Demetria." The teacher smiled.

"Demi...yeah." I corrected.

"Alright, Demi, you can take a seat next to Joe." The teacher pointed to an empty seat next to a boy with long black hair.

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