Chapter 1

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Three months later...

I got off of my plane. I looked around for my mom, Dallas, Maddie, and Eddie. It didn't take long, "DEMI!" Dallas ran to me and gave me a long hug, "I missed you."

"I missed you, too." We made our way to the others. They all gave me a hug.

"How are you doing?" My mom asked.

"I'm doing much better now. I'm still on medication for my bipolar disorder and what not, but the doctor says that one day I won't have to take it anymore." I smiled.

We all made our way to the car and drove home. New home, I should say. While I was in rehab, we moved to Calfornia so I could change schools.

"So are you excited for school?" Eddie asked me.

"Maybe. Would I be able to change my look a little bit?"

"Depends on the look." Eddie raised his eye brows at me through the rear view mirror.

"I was thinking of maybe something that would tell people that I'm confident. Like some leather." I suggested.

"I don't mind that. Just don't change who you really are, Demi. That's what's most important." My mom turned to look at me.

"I won't. And I was also wondering if maybe you could teach me some self defense moves, dad?" I asked.

"I'd be more than happy to do that." He smiled.

"What's with this sudden change?" Dallas questioned.

"Well you know, new school, new year, new me." I looked at her. She nodded in understanding.

It's January, so the New Year just passed. I felt like this was the perfect time for a fresh start. Today is Friday, and I start school on Monday, that gave me the weekend to prepare.

-The Next Day-

"Demi, c'mon, let's go to the mall. We can get you some new clothes and make up." Dallas came into my room.

I quickly put my book away and got up, "You had me at new!" I smiled.

Dallas drove us to the mall. We started with make up. We got a lot more darker eye shadows than what I usually get. We also got more of a natural lip color. We purchased all of the make up I needed, then we went over to some clothes stores.

I found a lot of outfits. From high heels and boots, to crop tops and leather jackets. It was bold and confident all at the same time.

We sat down at the food court, and got some lunch. I immediately dug into my food. I looked up at Dallas to see her smiling at me, "What?"

"Oh nothing. It's just, you're actually eating because you want to. I'm so proud of you, Dems." She answered and started to eat her food.


We left the mall shortly after we finished eating. I was definitely satisfied with my new look. I brought all of my bags upstairs. I put everything away. Soon, Dallas entered my room and shut the door behind her, "What are you going to wear for your first day on Monday?" She asked.

Probably my black leggings with my black boots, and black top, and also my black leather jacket. With some jewelry, of course." I answered.

"So black."

"Yeah, pretty much." I gave her a small smile.

"Okay, you need to practice." She grabbed my hands and got me off of my bed.

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