Demi wasn't always a rebel who could stand up to anyone. She was bullied so badly that it forced her and her family to move away.
When Demi is given a clean slate, she decides to completely change her look. Going from a teenage school girl who alway...
I groaned as I turned off my alarm clock. I am just about ready to smash it.
I got up and changed into some dark clothes, as usual. I thought about what happened on Friday and decided to go darker with my makeup.
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I looked in the mirror and smiled. I stopped and made an intimidating expression. I shrugged and continued to get ready.
After a half hour, I walked outside to see Joe parked on the side of the road in front of the house, "What are you doing here?" I asked him since he had his window rolled down.
"I figured you'd want a ride." He answered.
"What about your limo?" I raised an eyebrow.
"You were right, it brings too much attention. My brothers decided to just take the bus." He explained.
I opened the door of the passenger seat, "Thanks. I really didn't feel like walking today."
"I was actually about to leave because you didn't come outside yet. I thought you took the bus—"
"Don't worry, I will never take a bus again." I cut him off.
"How come?" He glanced over at me then back at the road as he began to drive.
"I mean, I went on it once this year. But I hate it. It's where I used to get bullied by the older kids. It happened in school too, but that's where it happened the most." I replied.
"I'm sorry to hear that. I don't mind picking you up before school—"
"Thanks, but you don't have to. I don't want to be a burden." I interrupted him again.
"You're not a burden. You will never be one. I promise. I really don't mind."
"Okay, then if it's no trouble, I would really appreciate that." I admitted.
"It's really no trouble." He gave me a reassuring smile.
He turned on the radio and 'Stronger' by Kelly Clarkson came on, "Oh, my gosh! I love this song!" I turned the volume up and we both sang along.
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger Stand a little taller Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone What doesn't kill you makes a fighter Footsteps even lighter Doesn't mean I'm over cause you're gone
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, stronger Just me, myself, and I What doesn't kill you makes you stronger Stand a little taller Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone
We both start laughing because Joe was making goofy faces. By the time we settled down, the song was over. I turned the volume down after that, "That's actually the song that inspired me to get 'Stay Strong' tattooed on my wrists."