9 Snicket

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About sixteen years ago

Beatrice Anwhistle was just finishing up her last performance before intermission. The second the curtain dropped on the stage, Beatrice rushed off of it and up to the booth where her fiancé, his sister, her fiancé and Esme were sitting, Olaf's father was in the middle of his speech. "How was I?"

"You were radiant," Lemony smiled at her.

"It's so wonderful to see you all here together, but can I steal Lemony for a second?"

"Please, he's defining words again," Olaf complained.

"Are you sure this is a marriage you want?" Esme jokingly questioned, which caused Kit, Olaf and her to start laughing. "Ha, yes, I think he is perfect, defining words and all," Beatrice responded looking into Lemony's eyes, "shall we go speak in the hall, where the idiots in the room aren't listening?"

"We shall," Beatrice giggled as Lemony took her hand.

"Bea, Esme has the sugarbowl with her,"

"It would be a terrible thing to do. Do we really want to go to war with our friends?"

"Don't you want to raise our children in a safe world? We're doing it for a noble reason. I don't like it any more than you do. You know what? We'll figure this out later, let's just enjoy the rest of tonight first. What is it you wanted to tell me?" Beatrice turned and place her hand on her stomach, now wasn't the time, she concluded with a deep breath. "Let's get that sugar bowl,"

"Beatrice, you were right it was a quick thought, but it's foolish, we shouldn't do it."

"Lemony, you remember how I was sick last week?"

"Yes? Your stomach flu?"

"No, Lemony, I went to the doctor and-" Beatrice was interrupted by Jacques running up the stairs. "Lemon man!"

"Jacques," Lemony responded rolling his eyes at the stupid nickname.

"Let's go annoy Kit,"

"Oh, for sure,"

"Beatrice! Now before you make any big decisions, are you sure you want to marry my brother? I mean he isn't that good looking,"

"I see what you mean," Beatrice joked.


Jacques, Lemony and Beatrice sat behind the first row of seats in the box, all staring at the sugar bowl. "It's a horrible thing to do," Jacques told them.

"What choice do we have?" Lemony and Beatrice replied in unison. Beatrice took the sugar bowl and ran outside of the box to be stopped by Esme. "Thieves!" Esme exclaimed, pulling a poison dart out of her bun.

"Is that a poison dart?" Jacques asked.

"It's the innest weapon of the season, one of my fans snuck them to me,"

"Yeah? So did mine," Beatrice responded, handing one to both Jacques and Lemony.

"Wait are we throwing darts? Because that is much more interesting than the opera! I call Esme's team!"

"Wait, Olaf, no, don't support this,"Kit told him as he was pulling a harpoon gun out, "guys, we're all friends we can talk about this,"

"Friends don't steal sugar bowls,"


"Lemony, wait don't go! They should know, I threw the poison dart! This is my fault, not yours."

"Beatrice, let them think it was me, it was my idea to steal it in the first place. I know these people, and I don't want you to get hurt, I love you too much,"

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