4 Trial

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The Baudelaires and the Quagmires walked out into the lobby to see a makeshift courtroom being set up. "What's going on?" Violet asked

"We're putting Count Olaf on trial tomorrow, for all of his horrible crimes," Justice Strauss explained, "Violet, dear you look exhausted, go get some rest,"

"No, I'm quite all right-" and she fainted, luckily Quigley caught her and picked her up bridal style. "I'm going to bring her to the room," Quigley walked towards the elevator followed by Justice Strauss, "I'll come with you,"

"What's Violet's room number?"


"I believe that's the number for romance,"

"It is, I hope it's referring to me," Quigley chuckled, he decided to not tell Justice Strauss they were sharing rooms. "Well, from the little Violet has told me about you, I think it's safe to say she really loves you,"

"And I love her," Quigley responded as they walked to room 329.

"Klaus gave me her room key," Strauss mentioned as she opened the door, Quigley placed his girlfriend on the bed. "I'm surprised Violet got her own room and not Klaus, she seems better with Sunny than him,"

"I think it's because she's the eldest," Quigley replied as the phone rang, "Hello?" Quigley answered.

"Hello, hello, hello," Olaf's voice echoed.

"What do you want you, miscreant?"

"If it isn't Violet's little boyfriend,"

"What do you want, and how do you know I'm dating Violet?"

"Well I was there when you sent her the telegram, and all I want is the Baudelaire and Quagmire fortune and all of you orphans dead,"

"You can kill me, you can do whatever you want to me, but don't touch my Violet,"

"Or? You have no family, that was all lost when Esme burnt down your home with your parents inside,"

"I didn't lose my family, just my parents, and my siblings for a while, but I have them back now and I also have Violet. This time I will make sure she's never out of my arms until your dead and she's safe at last," Quigley hung up the phone in anger.

"Who was that?"

"That would be Count Olaf," Quigley sighed as he sat down on the bed next to Violet, brushing a few loose hairs from her face. Someone was knocking at the door, "Quigleforth, I want to check on my best friend, open up," Isadora yelled. Quigley opened the door for her.

Quigley POV

I opened the door for my sister to see them holding hands, "Is Violet the only thing that brings you to 329," I smirked, there was definitely something going on between those two.

"I can't believe I'm related to you," Isadora and Klaus walked in.

"Have you tried waking her up, yet?" Klaus asked

"No, but I suppose I could try," I went back on the bed next to Violet.

"I wonder why they gave Violet such a big bed," Strauss thought out loud.

"Well, it isn't gigantic, after all, she is sharing it with Quigley," Uh, WE WERE TRYING TO KEEP THAT A SECRET ISA. I ignore the coversation a focus all my attention on Violet. I saw her eyes flutter open. "What happened?"

"VIOLET! You fainted! How are you feeling, my love?"

"Just fine," Violet faked a smile.

"Are you sure?" I asked her.

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