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"And the prince danced with Cinderella, and she told him about her adorable little sister, Carmelita. He met her and immediately fell in love, then they got married and Carmelita divorced him and took of all his money, the end!" Carmelita told Bea.

"What are you teaching this child?" Klaus asked, for the fifteenth time.

"Klaus, you want to go on that date or not?" Isadora asked as she walked into the living room in their wing. "I'm coming, I'm coming," Klaus followed her down the hall, until they ran into someone. "Klaus, hi!" Fiona exclaimed, "where are you going?"

"Isadora and I are going to the movies," Klaus said.

"Oh, fun, what are we seeing?"

"Klaus and I are seeing a verified film discovery," Isadora said, pulling Klaus's arm towards the door. "Oh, have fun,"

"We will,"

"Thank you, Fiona," Klaus waved as they exited the penthouse.

"Was the great Isadora Quagmire jealous?"

"If you don't shut up you won't be able to talk again,"

"Was that a threat?"

"Always be cautious, Baudelaire," Isadora told him, then sliding down the banister. Klaus deeply sighed, "That's my girlfriend," he mumbled, going into the now 'in' elevator.


"This is nice," Klaus said as him and Isadora walked into the movie theater, "being away from all of those insane people,"

"Bookworm, honey, about that," Isadora said as Duncan and Carmelita came over to them.

"Hey guys," Carmelita greeted.

"Carm, when you asked me out, I thought we weren't going to go on a double date," Duncan said "Carmelita Spats asked you out and you agreed?" Klaus asked.

"This or watching Bea,"

Kit and Dewy came over, "Kit, we're on a date with a bunch of teenagers, are we at least going to a different movie?" Dewy asked.

"No that would be normal, wouldn't it?" Klaus asked.

"I got the movie tickets," Jerome said, coming over.

"But we haven't decided what we are going to-"

"The incomplete history of all things in!" He exclaimed as Larry came over with a bucket of popcorn, "They hardly put any butter on this! HOw can it dared be called popcorn?" Larry questioned.

"Oh boy," Klaus sighed,"who's watching Sunny and Beatrice,"

"Fiona," everyone but Klaus replied in unison.


After four hours, everyone walked out of the theater, "That was horrible!" Klaus exclaimed, Isadora kissed his cheek, "You are hilarious when you're angry,"

"Excuse me but are you lovely young couple going to Dark Avenue, by chance?" The ticket person asked.

"Yes, why? And so are the people behind us,"

"There was a suspicious woman over there apparently, be careful, she went into 667,"

"Thank you," Isadora pulled Klaus away from there, "Beatrice and Sunny are there! WHat if the woman was Esme!"

"Don't be ridiculous, Esme is in prison, it could just be misinformation,"

"Yes, you're right, let's go,"


"Violet, Quigley," Fiona greeted with an eye roll.

"Fiona, where is everyone?" Violet asked as the rest of the crew came in. (Moxie, Ellington, Pip, Squeak, Jake, and Cleo all decided to tag along).

"At a movie, your sister is in her room, along with Bea,"

"Ok, thank you," Violet said, pulling Quigley with her to Sunny's room.

"I still can't believe you threatened that doorman," Pip said to Ellington.

"I can," Lemony commented.

"They probably sent out an alert that there is a suspicious lady at 667 Dark Avenue," Jake said.

"Wouldn't doubt it,"

"Who are you?" Fiona asked.

"Miss Widdershins, it has certainly been awhile," Lemony commented, "Lemony Snicket, at your service. These are my friends, Moxie, Pip, Squeak, Jake , Cleo, and Ellington."

"Oh, nice to meet you guys. "

"Where did Violet and Quigley run off to?" Hector questioned.

"No doubt to their room to relax after being stuck with us for a few days," Jacqueline commented.


"Hi Beabea, I know you missed me, if I was stuck with Klaus, Fiona and Carmelita I would too," Violet said to the baby picking her up.

"Dang it!" Quigley exclaimed, Violet glared at him.

"Don't say that around the baby," she hissed.

"That's not even a fucking swear word- wait. That's not important, what is, is that your sister is murdering me and you don't even care!" Quigley exclaimed.

"Sunny, what happened?"

There was a poker game set up, with piles of chips on Sunny's side and none on Quigleys, "He said he'd play a game with me,"

"I thought it was going to be like a cooking thing, and I'm hungry so I agreed,"

"Okay, Sunny, try not to bully my boyfriend, Quigley go eat some cookies or something, I'm going to put Bea down for a nap and then unwind, no one, and I mean no one is coming in my room." Violet told them.

"It's our room, dearest,"

"Don't, she could invent a harpoon gun in less than a second,"


"Jacques? You're home!" Kit exclaimed at the sight of her twin, "Lemony?"

A/N- sorry for the shorter chapter, the next one will be much longer. This one is kind of a filler.

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