august 12th, 2017

1.4K 60 32

dear stranger.
hello! how are you?

you're probably wondering who i am, and why a random person is sending you a letter. let me introduce myself! i'm clay :) im 18 years old as of this day i'm writing this, today's my birthday! woo!

now, why am i sending a complete stranger who's out of the country a letter? good question! but, i don't have an answer to that. one day i randomly thought, "hey, why not send a letter occasionally to a random address and see if any of them ever write back?!" so, yeah, here i am. congrats on being the lucky address this is being sent to ;)

i think it'd be cool to have a pen pal, but in all honestly; i'm starting to give up, stranger. so far i've sent out 9 letters, all to 9 different addresses. none have ever written back, so i've decided that your address will be the last one i attempt to get a response out of. if you don't respond, that's okay. i'd understand. it's not everyday someone gets a letter from another country from a random person asking them to be their pen pal.

but if you DO respond, great!!! :D thank you so much in advance if you choose to agree to this.

i'll be awaiting your response, hopefully soon to be new pen pal.


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