september 30th, 2017

949 56 50

dear george,
of course i'm excited! and thank you, 18 has been good to me so far :)

america kinda sucks, not gonna lie. but it is what it is. you get used to it. and aw, really? i've always wanted to go to england, i guess that's why i've sent so many letters to random people there. and yes actually, to both of those questions! i was 12 when i first saw snow, and instantly fell in love. it's so cool!

do you not like snow, george? :(

and haha. shortie.

heyyy, don't be mean to your new penpal! we do not do things backwards! >:(

but to answer your question, yes, i was a bit of a "heartthrob", though i never payed attention to the girls. i just don't swing that way.

i think you're wrong george, no cat is cuter than patches. you know what? i'm gonna print out a picture of her to show you, and you send me one of luca. let's see who's cat is the cutest.

and omg that's so cool! :0 we both play minecraft and code :) we should definitely play together one day!

colorblind??? i'm so sorry, oh my god. i cant imagine not being able to see colors well :(
have you ever considered colorblind glasses? maybe they could help!

now i'm sad, george. lime is my favorite color, and you can't even see it :(

are you able to somehow tell the difference between colors? what do colors look like to you? how does green look?

you should consider those glasses, if you haven't already. i'd love for you to be able to experience real colors. the world is beautiful sometimes, george.

think about it for me, okay?

best wishes, clay

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