(18) Touch Me

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Pure panic pumps through you. You try to run, but don't get anywhere. Your legs feel like they are made of jelly. It's dark and all you can hear is water dashing down the hallway behind you.

"Emily." Your name echoes through the tunnel. When you turn your head to hear who is calling you, a hand grabs your face. Your whole body jerks forwards and you loose your footing.

The same hand catches your arm and saves you from falling on your face. Finally, your body registers the outside world, and you open your eyes. You still don't know where you are, but its still dark. When the hand lets go of you, you scramble backwards. Realizing you're in a bed, you put your feet on the floor and stumble away from it.

Suddenly, it's bright. You have to cover your eyes with one hand. It hurts your eyes, and you sink to the floor and brace yourself for whoever is chasing you. They grab your arms, you try to shake them off, pushing them away by their face. "Stop, Emily, stop."

"Leave me alone!" You yell and finally manage to push them off you. You put your head between your knees and shield it with your arms. "Don't touch me." Whimpering, you try to remember where you are.

"Em, look at me." Why are they using a pet name? The curiosity silences your panic just enough for you to lift your head.

Spencer. It's Spencer. You're on his floor. His face is distorted with fear. He is kneeling in front of you, carefully keeping his distance. You rub your face, then your legs.

"Fuck." You whisper. "Did I hurt you?" Your eyes wander up and down his body.

"I'm fine." Spencer shakes his head.

"I don't believe you."

He turns his head, revealing a scratch behind his ear.

You fucking lose it. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." You repeat while getting up.

"Emily, it's fine." Spencer tries to persuade you.

Collecting your clothes, you cannot bear to look at him any longer.

Sobbing silently, you collect your stuff.

"Emily." His voice is stern but quiet. "Don't go."

"Look what I did to you. This was a stupid. I'm sorry." You tell him, already in the living room.

Spencer follows you, observing your hectic movements.

"Em, I want to be with you."

That makes you whip your head around: "Then you must be fucking insane."

He shakes his head: "I don't show any behavioral patterns that would indicate that."

You let out a sigh.

"Please, explain it to me. All I can see, is that my friend is hurting, and I want to make it stop."

You stumble: "Your friend?"

Spencer's eyes widen when he realizes his slip.

"Please." He pleads.

You have to hold on to the couch and take a deep breath: "Every day my heart breaks a little more, and one day there will be nothing left of me. There will be nothing I can offer you."

When you look up from the floor, you see that Spencer is crying. It intensifies your pain in ways you didn't think were possible. You shake your head: "Don't cry because of me. I'm not worth it."

His inhales sharply and steps closer. When you let him come up to you, he grabs your face with both hands. He waits until you find the strength to look into his eyes before he says: "You are fucking indestructible. There is nothing, nothing that can break you. And you are worth everything there is to be worth of."

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