(28) Lacerations

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Note: TW description of blood/bleeding, being injured/harmed

Probably the only reason that Spencer and you were able to sleep last night, was the exhaustion after fucking in front of the prison. You're pretty sure it was some kind of revenge sex. But like, revenge on Doyle. Kind of to spite him. Whatever.

Now you're back to the way less climactic reality. The others are working tirelessly on preparing everything for court. You, however, are still hung up on your feeling, your hunch, that something else is going on. The arrest feels too easy.

You knock on the door to Penelope's office.

"Come in!"

"Hey, Penelope." You enter and hand her the coffee you got her.

"That's why you're my favorite." She widely grins at you, but you raise an eyebrow.

She adds: "Well, besides Derek."

You sit down next to her: "I still take it as a huge compliment, considering you've known me for like eight months."

Penelope giggles and says: "You make Spencer happy. I've never seen him this happy. And that makes me happy."

You whip your head around: "What?"

She pokes your chest with her pen: "You might fool the others but not me."

Your heart starts to pound faster. You gulp.

"We're friends. And he has a girlfriend. What are you talking about?"

She leans back and her mouth falls open. Oops.

"What I meant is that you look hardcore but you're actually pretty sweet. Interesting, however, that your first thought was that I think you're his girlfriend."

"I, well..." You clear your voice: "That's what Hotchner thought." You shrug your shoulders.

Penelope narrows her eyes: "Sure."

"So. The call." You turn in your chair to look at her monitor. She tantalizes you for a moment before she tells you: "The call came in from a prepaid. There isn't much I can tell you about where it came from. I only know that it was here in D.C."

Nodding, you ask: "And the voice?"

Penelope types something and a window pops up.

FBI tip line. How can I help you?

Ian Doyle will be in the Washington National Cathedral in an hour.

Can you...

"End of call." Penelope shrugs.

"The voice is distorted. Were you able to filter something out?"

She sighs: "I really tried. And I am the best. Which makes it even worse. But I could only isolate the background noises. No idea what the real voice sounds like. I don't even know if it's a man or a woman calling."

"Can you send everything to my phone?"

She hits a few keys; you feel your phone vibrate.

- - - - - - - - - -

"You don't know Doyle like we do." Hotchner tells you.

"That's the point. My connection to him isn't as personal, it's easier for me to question his behavior. And I'm telling you, something is off."

Hotchner sighs: "One day. You have one day to find something, after that you will work with everyone else."

You nod and leave his office.

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